>>6750464 (LB)
Middle East Eye
"Last month, the Miami Herald published documents from the US Army's Contracting Command that showed the prison administration was seeking to "identify potential contractors" for a new 5,000-square-foot prison compound at the base."
Miami Herald
"The prison posted the solicitation for the three 20-foot prefabricated cell units — each with an American Disabilities Act accessible shower plus TV, bunk and toilet, wall mounted desk and stool — on Wednesday with a short turnaround response date of Feb. 21."
The 21 page solicitation document:
Military Times
"Officials at the detention center said they could take in about 40 more male detainees without any changes to staff levels and about 200 if additional guards are brought in. No such request has come from the administration, Ring said, but he added that he has been asked “some hypothetical questions” about capacity."
It's behind a paywall, so Google cache link provided.
If they can already take more inmates, why the special units for 3 disabled/infirm/old inmates….