Dear Q
I'm terrified I'm not paying enough carbon tax on club soda
Not for e in whiskey
Dear Q
I'm terrified I'm not paying enough carbon tax on club soda
Not for e in whiskey
Dear Q
Can I get more than one free prostate exam in the cruise ?
I need them to milk the xenu out of my volcano
With a bilbo from outer space that looks like a 747
Can my wife watch Q
Is a special bilbo
And a special cruise
We even bought peanut butter with #electrolytes
She has told me years to milk the xenu out of my volcano
She even ordered our first bilbo from the scientologists for $25k
She said my volcano was full of alien corpses from other planets and that I would know when the time is right to milk the xenu out
Yuge xenu milking with space bilbos
My wife said my volcano was like a Berliner and that sometimes there's saurkrauters auf dem lederhosen
Are saurkrauters from outer space Q ?
Is that like an Elon hole?
Is that when a danielfaggot larps a jewhole ?
Why do they want lederhosen Q ?