Anon has a choice catch with the first graphic.
>>6747785 (pb notable)
The upshot there is that the "red carpet rollout" for the MOAB posts from April 2018 are part of a sequence that concludes with Q 1427, the flag post on 5/20/18.
As it happens that particular post is also the conclusion of two OTHER sequences. Both have been somewhat noted before, but when you see how they all converge on the same post, that is something new.
First, recall that today June 14 is: Flag Day, DJT's Bday, and the birthday of the Army.
The first sequence LINKS THESE ALL TOGETHER!
But start with Q 35. It lays down that Q will use the 4, 10, 20 marker for DJT. Also note the line from John 3:16, which in Q 790 is a marker for the DAY OF RECKONING.
Now look at the posts from May 2018 on the dates: 4, 10, 20.
4 May: Q 1314 shows an old cannon shot. A fitting post for the 244th Bday of the Army. (And the …13…14 suggests a countdown to TODAY the 14th).
10 May: Q 1333 shows a flag.
20 May: Q 1427 shows a flag.
The upshot is that this sequence incorporates:
1) DJT Bday… 4, 10, 20
2) Army Bday… the old cannon shot
3) Flag Day… the flags
OK, so combined with Anon's red carpet sequence in the graphic, we've got TWO sequences ending on Q 1427.
There is a third…