At this time of heightened anxiety and outright anger (including from me) over nothing happening across these many months of promises and passed deadlines, it is easy to blame Q(team), thinking it is all full of shit, every bit of it has been just a larp…
I don't believe this is, or has been a larp. Too many proofs. I submit to you a few scenarios that I think have to be considered as far as what is actually happening. One scenario is that all those a part of the conspiracy of destruction, from the puppets to their masters, have to believe this indeed is all a larp so they can continue with their stupid SPECTRE-like plans for world domination in order for the white hat take-down to happen with as little difficulty as possible. They have no doubt been pressured (by all of us) to believe their end is coming. Then as nothing did happen over these months, it gave the good guys time to observe, listen, and fine tune the plan, arrange contingencies, remove obstacles. In order for the inevitable strike to occur, Cabal/SPECTRE/DS needs to believe the worst is over, that the Q phenomenon has jumped the shark, and how they arrive at that conclusion is triggered by what is going on here at present with so much frustration and anger, the turning against Q…
All of that part of the plan? We've been used to set up the next phase, the moment when the trigger is finally pulled? If that is the case, and we have deliberately been used, I don't doubt we will forgive being used when it all ends up in our favor at the glorious end. How could Q group not expect us to grouse and fume over this mind numbing delay? We all very much want the same thing! Same team, only we're not the coach. When we win, we can all celebrate together, no matter the part we played. Our frustrations will be a distant thing of the past.
The second scenario is that the DS (even if the leadership is now on our side), including the Justice Department, is massively compromised by decades of bloated bureaucratic inaction, infestation of seditious termites, snakes and vipers, blackmail, fear of losing their jobs or not appearing as though doing something useful, wading through layer upon layer of redundancy, legal blockades, stupid civil servants, mail carts with square wheels from the 1950's…
A third possibility is that those in charge, from Huber to Barr to whoever, all of them are worthless, suggesting the entire current DC government structure is a wasteland of stupidity, cowardice and treason. How else does one get to be in a high position of responsibility there at present? You have to suck so much ass, swallow so much choad, repeatedly bend over and take it up the ass, humiliate yourself and your values on a daily basis, lie, then lie about lying, then drink yourself to sleep in order to get through a day. Those who don't become drunks and actually enjoy it there are the true psychopaths of the world. Those are often the ones in charge. Some are visible, and some are not. Add all that up and you have a nothing happening mess.
The worst possibility is POTUS is compromised, frozen by fear of actually pulling the trigger, or he has come to believe his own hype and thinks he is the 5D chess-master, when most of the chess playing before and after his election was actually done by our brilliant anonymous heroes in room Q. The military being unable to act one their own, are now being held back, sitting like the rest of us in the D-Day landing craft waiting for Ike to give the Go command.
Just tossing all this up for consideration. I remain confident we have not been entirely mislead about the true nature of this global mess, and that something will indeed happen. I do, however wonder if has been compromised by the usual suspects of stupidity, arrogance, greed, fear, hand wringing, blackmail, threats, cowardice, human history repeating itself being inevitable, that it will ultimately depend upon us in great numbers to burn it the fuck down and rebuild.