That would be the reason for the "no boundaries" and "evil is all around us" posts.
It started way before WWI. Netanyahu's father played a significant role in the shitshow we're in now too. As soon as trouble comes though, they can just go back to Israel instead of jail, then literally re-write their own history.
With that said, the further you get up the pyramid, you find out those who run the everything is the 'tribe'.
The reason for saying it's all is because they always push some form of agenda rather than true freedom from all doctrines, dogmas, ideologies; ie "if you're not religious, you must be atheist - if you're not capitalist, you be communist/marxist - if you call out jewish subversion and censorship, you must be a muslim - if you call out the muslims and islam, you must be an islamophobe/zionist - if you call out corrupt wars and the standing army, you must be a hippie, so on and so forth.
When people drop their personal labels for an equal playing field instead of using (prefix here)-American for a leg up in the world, then maybe they can be able to co-exist.
I don't know of any programs, foundations, etc that a white person can go to for a 'free ride' so-to-speak, there's simply this imaginary "privilege".
There are plenty of laws and programs for jews, blacks, hispanics, etc though.
Freedom of religion - no matter which one - if it violates the Constitution and rule of law of hurting another individual should have no place in a free world.
The end game was to basically destroy America/freedom and bring in a Luciferian One World Order with China being Israel's strong arm.