the only losses that are being suffered are by you
going on three years and nothing, repeat nothing you have been saying is about to happen has happened
none of your predictions have come true
not a single one
the only losses that are being suffered are by you
going on three years and nothing, repeat nothing you have been saying is about to happen has happened
none of your predictions have come true
not a single one
Better an asshole than an easily led idiot like yourself.
Yeah. You don't realize who I am. And you are not following Jesus.
Creepypornlawyer for porn actress your god trump paid to have sex with.
OhโฆAnd paid to have sex with while his 3rd wifey was home with the newborn.
Bullshit. He had sex multiple times and carried on an affair while Melania, 3rd wife, who he cheated with on his second wife, was home with their newborn. Glass houses people.
He hasn't done anything. He has passed zero legislation except for giving the wealthy and corporations (and himself) tax cuts. You have been conned big time. If you seriously looked at what that endlessly grasping family is doing instead of what he is saying, you would see it clearly. He is fucking all of you.
Christ! Seriously? He paid her 13000 to keep quiet about Nothing? They have already admitted it. Get your head out of the sand dude. Trump is destroying the US. If he thinks he may be held accountable, or be made to make a personal sacrifice, he will sacrifice the world instead. He would burn every one of you and not lose a bit of sleep.
I could spend all day giving you proof and you wouldn't even look at it. You don't want reality, you want your fantasy. Open your eyes and actually practice critical thinking for once.
Do you know what Proverbs 27:6 says? It saysโฆ
"The wounds inflicted by a friend are faithful, But an enemyโs kisses are plentiful."
Do you know what this means? It means a friend will tell you the truth even if it is painful for you. But an enemy will tell you what you want to hear even if it is bad for you.
I am the friend telling you the painful truth. Others on here are not true friends. They will not tell you if your feet stray off the path. The p3rson posting as Q is a troll who would watch everyone here lose their jobs, family, everything and not even feel bad. Others here would not do what is really best for you. I hope you will think on this.