Whether you Like McAfee or not, these are issues you need to consider when VOTIN.
Most of the public obviously does NOT
Governments are structured collections of individuals. As such, all human traits exist and are actualized within governments, but they are magnified. When individuals become angry with one another and a fight breaks out, a few bruises or a broken nose may be the result. When governments become angry, war may break out and millions may be killed and maimed. When individuals become greedy, they may eat more than their share when invited to dinner. When governments become greedy they take from weaker governments and entire populations starve. When individuals become fearful and paranoid, we simply avoid them. When governments become fearful it is their own citizens that they fear the most and they enact laws and regulations to limit the power of the citizens.
This has been the course of all governments - a corruption of the original purpose of government - to serve the people - into a system with only one goal - Self Perpetuation.
Once governments have obtained a level of power, members begin serving themselves. Citizens, now, are powerless to fight against any individual member's corruption of power for their own purposes. The corrupt system protects them. We see this constantly.
To prove this point, to the world, I last week outed the Assistant Police Commissioner for the country of the Bahamas for blatant corruption. I revealed his secret bank account with the account number. I revealed the dates and amounts of of hundreds of thousands of dollars in deposits and from whom. I linked a series of deposits to a multi million dollar Motorola communication system for which he was the decision maker. I revealed his frequent cash withdrawals in amounts ranging from $3,000 to $5,000 totaling many times more than his salary.
At no point was any of this investigated to see the proof of it. A simple request from the government to look into this account would have proven all that I said. Instead, cabinet ministers leaped to his defense - all of whom I have now investigated and all of whom are equally corrupt. The system protects its own. There Is no revelation, no matter how horrifying, that can impact a sitting member of government. This should be obvious to all. It is the same in America.
So what can we do?
In America, the constant cycle of abusing power - increasing power - abusing again, is effected by gaining the consent of the people. We consistently vote in experienced politicians, hoping their experience in government will help improve it. But what is their true experience? Is it not experience in how to more subtly abuse and increase power in ways that lines their own pockets or promotes their own interests? You know in your heart that this is true.
People: we still have some power left: The obvious power of recall, and the power of our veto through the process of voting. It is the power to say "no". We can do this in two ways:
We can vote in an opponent that might be preferable. I would suggest that this could only work if the opponent has had no experience in government. They would enter untouched by the corruption of the system and, at least for some years, present a mere small threat to citizens.
We can veto the entire system. We can go to the polls and vote, but vote a "no". We can, en masse, write in the names of our dogs, cats, neighbor's spouse, the name of the last person who knocked on your door - anything. This sounds like it would change nothing, but you would be wrong. It would be a reverse mandate. Whoever won would win a hollow victory and the writhing worms of corruption would be displayed in a brilliant light. It would be a powerful "Vote if No Confidence" which has brought down many corrupt factions in different systems of government.
The question is now "where do we start?". I say we should start with the worst offenders. The millions of individual acts of corruption within our government are impossible to identify and fix. Even if we could identify them, we know that the system protects them. However, the process of gaining more power through legislation is open for all to see and the number of such legislations is small, compared to individual abuses. It should be clear that anyone supporting legislation that limits the power, freedom or privacy of the citizens id doing so to help perpetuate corruption and the abuses inherent in the system. I'm offering up a few names and voting records of members of our government that, in my mind, should be immediately recalled. Any outcry of support for these individuals should alert you immediately to the next collection of people who should be recalled or voted out