For those of you still baffled by the seeming differences in Joe B's appearance in photos through the years, as a start, my suggestion would be to do some studying on the subject of cameras, lenses, perspective, 2D aspect ratio distortion… Photography has been one of my livelihoods.
Here we go… another day of earlobe images and clone talk. 8chan at it's best.
My explanation is you are a moran.
Excellent plastic surgery! Amazing what simple science can do to a person's appearance, with cloning having absolutely nothing to do with it except in the minds of the deluded.
Do I detect something actually happening that is in our favor? Should I let myself be that optimistic?
The only good part of this Joe Biden clone slide stupidity is that at least it isn't pictures of Hillary we have to look at.
Don't make me post pictures of my family with my siblings and I sharing appearance, or millions of families whose children were dressed alike for photos, their hair cut the same…motherfucker.
Good enough for me. It is Qresearch, after all, where even the remotest half baked theory is taken as rock solid truth.
Dang, I don't know. Even if you show me thousands of face lift procedure scar photos, I still might not believe it until a cursing anon tells me what to think.
You are digging where there is nothing to dig, or prove, or find valuable.
Please make this the next slide.
This made me happy, and brought me out of my shit posting about Joe Biden clones. Thank you!
Love that pyramid earth! Wonder how the latitude/longitude variances are explained away…
That looks like fun! For Hindus and Buddhists…
My attention on this issue has left the building. My amusement has flagged. I'm now onto other relevant concerns.