Anonymous ID: f3b905 June 14, 2019, 3:06 p.m. No.6751936   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1987 >>2129 >>2145


Prior to going dark at the end of May, Q made 2 posts on this board that predicted the recent FF with Iran.



"You attack those who threaten you most."


And before that:


Japan knows Q.


If these posts are taken together, we could interpret them as "Japan will be attacked because it is a threat to DS." This makes even more sense considering they were made almost immediately prior to the attack.

Ask yourself:

>Why would Iranians attack a Japanese tanker while Abe was in Iran?

>Who benefits from such an obvious act of war/aggression?

>Why a Japanese vessel in the first place?

>Who is entangled in this?

>What were Japan/Iran discussing and did it threaten DS?

>Who is Japan an ally of?

>Who else is Japan an ally of?

>What does this attack accomplish?

Worth mentioning that Japan is not the only East Asian country Q names. SK and China named as well (non-public).




Q not only pointed to North Korea here, Q essentially TRIANGULATED them. The 3 named countries surround NK and are central to denuclearization. China in particular provides relief to NK in the event of sanctions or money bombs.

>Would China have to cooperate (Not help NK) in order for economic sanctions to work?

>How does NK receive supplies/funding?

>NK cyberattacks=funding

>Who is in charge of NK?

>Who is really in charge?

>Why has POTUS been waging trade wars?


But what does this have to do with Iran?

>What do NK and Iran have in common?

>What other connections exist going off of that?

>Who is in charge of Iran?

>Who is really in charge?

Anonymous ID: f3b905 June 14, 2019, 3:14 p.m. No.6751987   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2129 >>2145


Now ask yourself: Who/what else has been in the news lately? Google. McAfee. Censorship. Big tech. Spygate. Five Eyes. Trip to UK. Biden/China. Huawei.

>Who really runs Google?

>What is the role of the NSA?

>Why was Flynn targeted by Obama to begin with?

>What did he know?

>Why talk to Iran on an iphone?

Biden/China is a "VERY important marker." Iran is next.

Right now, behind the scenes, the key players if the U1 scandal are in deep shit. That's the one common element. That is why we have such desperation from DS.

You are seeing a global network dismantled in real time.