Clone slide is what is being discredited here, not his plastic surgery.
What happened? Nothing has happened! For months and months! That's the problem. This wasn't supposed to turn into the scene in The Battle Of The Bulge where the Robert Shaw Nazi character hopes the war goes on and on and on and on and on and on. We want it to happen, and we want it now! It is embarrassing, humiliating and depressing having put this must trust and hope into this shit show for this long with little but carrots dangled. That said, I don't doubt for one second that all good will return once anything of any significance that has been promised actually happens. Barr, Huber, Horowitz, declas, arrests, unsealingโฆ Just one thing!
Asking for Just One Victory, and it'll be alright.
Unless and until the head of the snake is cut off, it is still dangerous. Any little bit of forward momentum we have experienced can EASILY be reversed by the bad guys if all we do is give them time, which we have. They need to HAMMERED SEVERELY! STAGGERING FATAL BLOW! PAINFULLY AS POSSIBLE! NO MERCY!
It was never just a troll. That is simplistic thinking only genuine idiots consider. The troops need something to happen is all. Ever been in the military and experienced their hurry up and wait? That's what is going on here, except a lot is at stake. Supportive hearts have been bruised. Throats are raw from swallowing carrots.
We're beyond your level of stupidity, and or trolling. Go suck David Brock's cock.
Still can't believe she lost. Pathetic, you are. Really dumb person. This the best you have, Hillary?
You're right about the time factor. Are you also suggesting there is no reason for her to be arrested? if so, you are the example of the biggest moron that ever existed, along with every other current liberal/Dem cultist. If this current DOJ/military do not arrest that witch and execute her, we will. That's what up, bud. And nothing can, or will stop us. Nothing. N.O.T.H.I.N.G.