Dear Intelligence Overlords "RV ANON" here:
As you can see by the fake news reports post POTUS visit in UK, my caution to avoid ANYTHING to do with Harry and his whore wife was well advised. You apparently did not follow said advice, and what I said would happen, happened.
It would be wise to call out and deny that story because no one would be stupid enough to actually ask to meet with the whore would they? FLOTUS being refused a visit and her baby gift refused? Really?
Letting that story sit stinks. The whore ran this one didn't she? Told you so. Lunch.
We all know that every word said is logged, that hotel in NYC was wired…so what the eyes know you know…help them jettison the REMAIN nasty whore and her cohorts in crime?
The Iran thing is a FF and you know it. We know it. What was the deal?
OK FF–but this time don't kill Americans? OR was Abe playing his part (oh hell no not missiles that's a lie)? By refusing to attack or sanction an attack on Iran because he knows it is a lie?
Because IT IS a lie and we are not buying it. What won't (((they))) do to get into Iran? We both know why they have to get in there. But IT will be useless…the number of humans able to make it work is very very low.
What next? this FF didn't work…an attack on American citizens? (IE 9/11) because there isn't anything (((they))) won't do. All eyes on "Israeli art students" eh?
The only question is, how deep are YOU in this? Who is running the show? Obama or YOU? Obama parading around in France as if HE were Rock Star POTUS? He is running a parallel government. John Brennan still has his security clearance months after you removed it. Who is running this show?
Iran…not one more drop of American blood must be spilled for Israel. And Israel will keep blowing shit up and killing Americans to fire up anger…you know.
What this shows is that YOU are not in control. The DS is running a parallel government…and in cohorts with Israel. Can you win this one?
Iran is not a threat to the US and you know it. Iran has something the DS and Israel wants access to. They didn't find it in Afghanistan, Libya or Iraq, we know it's not in Saudi, Israel, Syria, or Jordan…only place they have not completely ruined is Iran.
What won't they do to get their hands on it?
Help the people get rid of the German Mullahs that they hate? Obama spit on the Iranian people who begged for help in the last Green Revolution.
There are lots of ways to help without turning Iran into Iraq, Syria, Libya and every other country we have "helped".
Iran has some of the most brilliant people in the world. They are well aware of Israel's endless bullshit. Stuxnet? How did that work out?
Why not let Iran have nukes? Mutually Assured Destruction is a good thing. Neither side will use them. But of course demanding that Iran submit to nuclear inspections would be a bit hypocritical as Israel has always refused to be inspected, the only country in the world to refuse…and continues to refuse. How do they get away with that? Seems like they've got you. Probably via the kids. Ouch.
Maybe you know what I do..about the great sickness that is coming. Thanks for not taking care of the border. Was that part of the plan?
Venezuela–At least our interference is not on every front page–why not attack Iran and make even more radical Muslims?
They're so sure they have you right where they want you they're not even trying to kill you anymore. Sad.