Where's Waldo?
Barbara Bush Jr. loves HRC and Planned Barrenhood
S/He is slated to run for the Presidency.
Don't worry Joe we B-Rats stand with you old man!
Sadly, Trump is the good cop, HRC is the bad cop. They are the cops, we are the innocent citizens rounded up in the police state dragnet.
They are all masons and all that which such membership implies.
Harry and Meghan are a transgendered invert couple. (Masonic family ideal). Meghan's ugly small breasts highlighted on 8chan at the time of her wedding are ugly estrogen induced manlette breasts on a puberty stunted male. She was never pregnant as she is a dude. Harry may be the mother or at least his eggs were used for the surrogate pregnancy.
More evidence we have been played by the ruling cabal – warm and fuzzy laws for GMO producers like Monsatan.
"There is no democrat or republican party only the masonic party" – Christian researcher.