can't turn around for a second without these 'muhjoo' fucks reposting the same old same old…got anything fucking NEW?
Ya need to abandon THAT realm, 'cause its causing you a serious disservice, eating away at the core of your thinking ability.
Sooo, Hillary Clinton is a JEW?
garble, garble, garble what! vote democrat fro wifi! You got it!
Settle your jets there pilgrim, there's a FF that is dispatched to DISTRACT and then there are the FF that are used to DETRACT. IE TAKE THE FUCKING ENEMY OUT BEFORE THEY CAN DO MORE DAMAGE. Give your head a shake
The Art of War…I've never actually read it…I've lived it
HOW the fuck can someone be a FAKE ANON!
Get your head out of your asses, pay the fuck attention BECAUSE REAL SHIT IS HAPPENING. I am not even AMERICAN you stupid FUCK and I KNOW, I see it, I read it (learn to read between the lines). Stupid fucks…I almost wish there would be an apocalypse to take out the likes of YOU
HRC is an EVIL wannabe DEMIGOD. That's it. She was promised the WhiteHouse for all her evil deeds…now what…lol