Tfw you cant tell if someone else is actually on this dead board or if the shill bot are copying your post content
Pretty sure the only person who talks to,me is satan and the higher dimensionals
Nice try tho daniel
Why would i accept a call if theres someone who will ruin my life if i answer
>cures should be witheld to protect the profit of big pharma and keep them in business
People unironically believe this and support Q doing this
Most of them gave up and got black pilled
Alot on r conspiracy too
Were being heavily censored
So am i the only person here
Or is everyone else ai
Not like it makes a difference
Why cuz it actually allows dissent?
The shill posts are mostly obvious anyways cuz you have to have a reddit acc and the mods ban alot of obvious shills
Unlike here
I already told you i dont care if i live or die
You know im not kidding
You have the entire world behind you
I have nobody
Whos the real pussy ?
I can tell you from personal experience anyone claiming to be targeted isnt kidding
The people behind Q even if they are good are willing to sacrifice anyone for the plan
Well anyone besides their own people and families
They get to party and have fun
And be safe
The rest of us are either bait
For the evil
Or victims of Q
I hope the bait part is true cuz the other option is worse
But both options suck
Why would you believe a known liar ?
Why does Qs word mean anything
Lied constantly
Used us as bait
Threw us aside the second we were no longer useful
Yeah right
If anything im terrified and theyre safe
Im not tho
I dont even care anymore
Im more sad if anything
Hey freddy how come you post stuff that happens to be right before my post that sorta relates to me
Ebot does it too
Q did it once too
Why do you even care about me in any way lol
Pfff i wish
If actual patriots want to murder the corrupt and pretend its suicide good for them
Its not gonna happen tho
Wouldnt be surprised if hw mccain and tony rodham and most of the dead celebrities are in antarctica or panama
So you admit to spying on me
Lol fucking pussy
You sit behind all the tech in the world to torture one autist
Pure cowardace
I dont faggot
Can i kill myself too
Hey anons i need some advice
I keep trying to shoot myself but the bullets bounce off
What i do
I will freely admit to being a retard if this planet has real change happen
But it wont
So im going to laugh at you retards
Yeah totally dude
Thats why you spy on me 24 7 and try to keep me,trapped in my head
Cuz im just so weak that the govt has to spy on
Shouldve been a better puppet joe
Now the council of 300 will kill your ass or use you a a slave
I want to watch this guy die horribly and even i think this is disgusting
I say all this shit irl too and own multiple weapons
I dont think im a tough guy
I am making a threat
I plan to follow thru with it
Honestly im pretty sure that one is a demon lol
Oh i didnt have a change of heart
I would do unspeakable things to the elite and their minions
I dont care how much it would break me
Say that to my face freddy
If this is actually real trump is doing that on purpose lol
But thats all speculation
More likely that trump is just a freemason kike
Can God destroy me too
Aka turn off your brain and believe me in spite of evidence cuz i said so
Yeah thats one of the posssibilities
I think he was just always dirty
Hes worse than obama by far at this point
And the conservative npcs are cheering it
Gonna keep doing the tinnitus shit
Sorry demons bots aliens whatever you are
You are not going to break me
Not anymore
Btw if anyone here is having,issues here
Positive visualization really does work
Visualize a ball of light
Or armor protecting
It seems to stop the negative entities
Oh what a giant coincidence that you post that
When i get tinnitus
You truly are a rotten coward
You know if i was out of this prison body id kill you in a second "freddy"
Fucking pussy
Yeah good luck running biden lmao
Even fucking rucka rucka ali shit all over him
The pedo photos are public
Hes done no matter what
No longer a useful puppet outside of now
Man if im not a threat
Youre trying really fucking hard then
If theyre in my skull thats bad for them not me
>>>6752883 (You)
Nothing works on me long term anyways not like it matters
So i want all of you "anons" who call me a shill to tell me im not targeted
Look at how they respond to me,lmao