>>6752884 (all lbs)
>The attacks were a response to a threat, the threat:
>- POTUS Visits Abe
>- Abe agrees to serve as Middleman to Run the Clowns out of Iran
>- Muh Saud loosing control.
>boom, this shit is like so easy now that Q has trained us to lread between the lines.
THEY ONLY way to read this between the lines is IF Abe agreed ahead of time to say "nope, it wasn't Iran and we are not going to attack"….Abe was IN Iran it is illogical that Iran would attack his ship and incredibly stupid of the DS and Israel to try it but then again they have their deep fake video and CNN shilling for war now.
So while Abe certainly mitigated an immediate armed response scream from the US, it is NOT over. They are not going to stop trying to get into Iran.
>. Period. Fix it Trump.
NOTHING has been done about censorship.
NOTHING has been done about voter integrity.
NOTHING has been done about ANY of the things that truly matter to the integrity of our elections….
electoral college v popular vote bullshit in violation of the constitution? IS he intending to force us into another three / four years of endless court battles in which nothing actually happens?
and we are expected to believe he will just magically win again? IF he wins again and goes unchallenged by a viable dem….then we will know….but that stupid EO did me in. That is unconscionable. Who the hell is his science advisor.
Does he know the harm of GMO soy? That our GMO shit is banned in many countries and poor countries that accepted the initial "gift" of seed wish they had never seen it, and the horrific plight of farmers that have used it?
AND not to mention 5G.
Q kept everyone in their seat. And it worked…it is still going on…all the while the shit falls down around us.
RE Iran…if CNN is happy we KNOW it was a FF. FuckingA this shit….
and the fucking board is nearly unusable. Wonder why that is?