I am a bible teacher of over thirty years. I dont know where you get all this crap from i guess you just pull it out of your asses, but it's not from the scriptures. It's not in the scriptures. In fact you are doing the opposite of what they teach. You may want to think again about what you think you are following here.
What a load of horseshit. When did you make that up? Last year? You either need to be on medication or stop taking so much medication.
Funny how none of you ever pulled this scripture out when Obama was president. Now you conveniently use it to justify your trump worship.
"Woe to those who enact harmful regulations,Who constantly draft oppressive decrees, To deny the legal claim of the poor,To deprive the lowly among my people of justice,Making widows their spoil And fatherless children their plunder."
Isaiah 10:1,2
No evidence whatsoever. Yet trumps cronies are banking big bucks on for profit concentration camps in Texas where they rip children from their parents and warehouse them and the Devos family makes more money placing them in white homes and you say nothing.
Your selective outrage is underwhelming.
Coming from a guy who takes as scripture anything an Anonymous 8chan troll posts on the internet, that's pretty fucking hilarious.