Anonymous ID: 8e83b1 June 14, 2019, 6:01 p.m. No.6753375   🗄️.is 🔗kun


And why do you suppose we would care what Molech has to say on the matter?


This is the "secret." In the time of Jesus, there were still multiple gods followed by the people of Israel. The Pharisee followed the god of the scribes and the god of 'masculinity' to the point of barbarism. When you go back to the battle between Set and Osiris - it's rather simple. Set "man" 'won.' This was used as justification - and still is to this day - for the subservience of women to men.


But that was Egypt.


Anyway - you kind of outed yourself as stupid by calling President Trump a liar.

I also fail to see why God would hate the naked forms he created. Clearly, one should hide their body in shame. Not saying it is appropriate to flaunt around all the time - but there is a distinction between pornography and a display of beauty at an intimate level.


I also fail to see why God would care what words we use when the ideas behind some of the most honeyed and proper of words intend nothing but the greatest harm to others. I, also, would think that God would be lusting after justice and understanding of our limited ability to see into the abyss of lies.


So sit your ass down and enjoy the show, fuckwit. Everyone was instructed to make the house ready for dinner and there's a barnyard on the table that's about to be converted into fine cuisine.

Anonymous ID: 8e83b1 June 14, 2019, 6:15 p.m. No.6753461   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Operation Ajax contains the information you need, anon.

Khomeni was being groomed by the CIA as part of the Muslim Brotherhood. Operation Ajax stabilized the regime in Persia long enough for Khomeni to make his move.


Media reporting out of Persia internals is a black hole. They shut down social media there quite a while ago, but reports were that there was considerable pressure against the regime.


Iran was the attacker, but the goal is to try and get military spending and specops funding that can be routed in to support the regime. Or perhaps they are retarded enough to think the attacks will shift policy. At this point, I think the CIA is mainly just trying to pull every lever it can to generate chaos and hope it gives them an opening to exploit.