Greenwald always seemed like the most reasonable among the clowns, but I guess it's time for him to shed that veneer.
You must have been around since the days where all we had was crazy-ass Rense, at least. I'm fucking baffled by this EO too. Monsanto needs to be destroyed, not helped.
The Iran false flag is going to go the same way as all but the first false flag gas attack in Syria. Trump will do nothing, because he knows it's a fraud. The GMO thing is insane, though. This is the type of EO that could seriously give people cancer.
Anon, he drives a Ridgeline. He's never seen a woman's hips without full clothing covering them.
Once or twice. Codemonkey did a good job gearing the captcha to generate cool and relevant words.
Didn't save it, have a consolation prize instead.
I'm just surprised how well Ivana held up. Like one of those straight-6 F-150s.
Yeah, I would really like a real explanation. Monsanto's goal is to give as many of us cancer as possible before killing off everything. That won't make America great. That fucking sucks!
Because, glyphosate or not, it is bad. GMOs are poison.