like turkey bacon?
hmmm….I knew bacon was evil….but are you saying they will just make everything base chicken, then go from there and next thing we are all eating plankton in a Star Trek machine?
Are you the everyone is a tranny anon? busy fucker… But just tell me about Mike….yes or no?
I will suppose I might enjoy this lunchmeat sammich a little better tonight.
Trip 7s in ID and post #? Why none in the timestamp, anon?
Too late….I am kind of old and just eat whatever now….but the vodka and pot was still probably better for me than any of the food I ate as a young human.
Your relatives probably eat cats…no?
This shill will have no comment because it is probably Sarah Silverman or Chelsea Handler or one of those proud to get pissed on their faces, or whatever they love to do. But we cannot admit we had The Birdcage in the Whitehouse for eight years? Barry and Mike need to grow the fuck up and get over their shame.
nervous Pepe, do you need help? Just try and castle queen side as fast as possible.
put the Queen's bishop behind the Pony's pawn after you push him up one. Indian defense works well when Black against aggressive russian player
big lips and a wet smooch to you!
then three oughts on yours….reinforcement ..
I knew that would piss you off. Passive aggressive all day long.
yo, all time great memer! middle one, with the leg lamp…. YES!
It is one of the greatest games ever invented…at the risk of sounding like a filthy lying phony Clinton in a more clever nomenclature….I empathize with your loss, anon…..was it recent?
Tippy Top Easter was the one that got my attention. Q on the Xmas stocking sealed it.
mitochondrial DNA says they had european moms…the ones with the supposed higher IQs. Semitic? What does it mean? You speak Hebrew? Sounds like a club, not a race or even an ethnicity.
And? I asked you about Michael Obama. The world is full of pear-shaped men who are still XY chromosomes. But you seem to know so much, so just asking a specific question.