I have been quiet about the McAfee thing…there is something very different about him…trying to see if he is a disinfo agent on (their) side or a true rebel (no matter what created his situation) who has the info he claims….enjoying the show in the meantime….he is an interesting character in all of this…
When I read the impatient posts like yours anon, I remind myself that I or we re not the ones who will be strongly affected by the changes that will take place, I believe we will know much of what will happen, but (they) are the ones who will have to face the fire of their evil actions and pursuits, (they) will lose their privileges and wealth, (they) will be reduced to what we all have been living and doing for our lifetimes….that will be probably (their) biggest wake-up call, (they) will find out that they are really nothing special after thousands and thousands of years, what could be more devastating than that, plus many will be punished…we just may not know how many or to what extent…60% tops according to Q will be exposed…..
Me and mine are good, comfy and enjoying the movie…
Here you fuckhead, this is for you, go back to fucking fakebook or twatter and post there, that is where (your) kind have a voice and others will "like" or "love" your post….
I call you out, who are you, do you have the courage to post what you say at the border on twatter and then post it here to prove it with "sauce" (proof of your claims)..
(You) are a loser
(You) are a POS
(You) are the reason there is so much division and hatred amongst the pop of this great country..
Trump is the greatest President of our lifetime..
You can go fuck yourself and one day I hope we get to find out who you fuck are ..because you are really not anonymous here….
&by the way, your President Obummer was the one who put kids in cages…..
Would be nice to get a body language expert to interpret here weird behavior….
Seems like she created an alter to deal with the evil..