Happy Birthday @realDonaldTrump Wishing you all the best! God bless the United States of America!
Happy Birthday @realDonaldTrump Wishing you all the best! God bless the United States of America!
BREAKING: Comey is leaking and spinning to the New York Times and Washington Post through his "good friend" Ben Wittes of Lawfare (& formerly of WaPo), who bought into the myth that Mueller had sealed "collusion" indictments and called Trump a "national security threat"
BREAKING: House Republicans r upset w what they call Sen Graham's showboating since taking over Senate Judiciary from Grassley,who they say was "serious" bout getting to bottom of #SpyGate.
But Graham's just putting on "charade" on Fox for S.C. voters& "not doing a f*cking thing'
242 years ago, the Stars and Stripes design for the national flag was approved by Congress! We are proud to display this symbol of freedom, equality, sacrifice, justice, and hope, each and every day 🇺🇸 #FlagDay
Straka says she is the best investigative journalist ou there
Made me question the entire 'Walk Away' Movement
He seems to have become comped like the other paytriots
BREAKING: House GOP leadership has soured on Comey replacement Wray.
They r now convinced Wray's not part of the FBI cleanup & not cooperating w AG Barr & is in fact part of the cover-up of #SpyGate scandal after burying documents & refusing to make people available for interview
>I think she infiltrated his movement when it was clear it would go viral.
It seems Beanz will glom onto anything that will give her money and attention
I didn't say anything about her, not one word, when all the shit went on about her on CBST and then here
After observation for over a year, she seems to be a true paYtriot all the way
I think Straka has a lot to offer with what he is doing, so I hope he figures it all out
>Think clock needs two faces, goes in two directions, is a mirror???
Number(s) do not always equate to days.
The face of a watch/clock has multiple versions.
Incorrect interpretations pushed as statements of fact often lead to pitfalls [stranglehold 'choke' tactic used by attackers].
Increase in attacks (de-platform, shill infiltration, MSM/Fake MAGA direct, link(s) to terrorism/acts of violence) only demonstrates validity and close proximity to JUSTICE [PAIN].
"Clock" is mentioned 31 times in https://qanon.pub/