All I need is a renewed license to kill and an address and this piece of shill won’t disgrace your daughter anymore.
Call me up sir.
All I need is a renewed license to kill and an address and this piece of shill won’t disgrace your daughter anymore.
Call me up sir.
Do you feel the dread when you have to report your shitty efforts? How much longer will they tolerate your failure?
You are at most three pay levels of separation from the witch herself. If you are lucky you’ll just shoot yourself twice in the back of the head and join the Clinton body count list. If you’re not lucky you’ll die slowly under HRC’s knife.
Your masters will cut you lose soon. Is your bug out bag ready?
Yes, and there are rules that dark ETs can’t cross, because power to do so isn’t given to them. And rules of engagement that hold good ETs back until conditions are met.
And there are good men and women who are getting help because bad men and women have crossed forbidden lines.
Some of those good men have to get their hands dirty occasionally. Surgeons have a purpose and are only held back now because of compassion that God, forces of light, and POTUS have for the masses.
But the season of holding is almost past. Allowing the shilltards to operate still serves a purpose a little longer.
Some of us are eager to see that coming to a close like the last flickers of a candle. This is a final chance for the shills to step away from what they are doing and avoid their names being on somebody’s Go list.
Some will get trials, where that serves the greater good. Some won’t if operational conditions are met to justify Orders.
Destroying Angels don’t desire to be unleashed, but they also don’t regret fulfilling their duty once called.
Shills, look in the mirror and know that what you are doing serves the same master that HRC sacrifices children to. Your hands are stained by that same debt.
Destroying Angels on both sides of the Veil are ready. Your candle is flickering lowly. Your time is short.