>>6754234 /lb
I was a enlisted biomedical technician in the USAF. I worked at a gov't nuclear research facility in the DC vicinity. I have no idea the things I was exposed to maintaining the equipment in all the labs. At minimum, Weapons grade anthrax, enriched uranium, 800 ,000 Curies of Cesium-137, Cobalt-60, depleted Uranium scrapnel research, all sorts of poor creatures, with a complete nightmare of a Chain of Command. My office was 40 feet from the core of a 1MW TRIGA reactor. Not secret. Not public. Hidden in plain sight. I'm done with it all now, and have been for a long time...now sick with autoimmune diseases, lost my entire colon to Crohn's disease.
Think Half-Life on an Army budget. Who knew the Army had enlisted nuclear reactor operators? I surely didn't...beforehand.
I look back and see clearly I was literally feeding the fires of awful hell and damnation with my health and my soul. I hope to live long enough to see the light win.
The misconduct at the VA is a continuance of the misconduct of an entirely corrupt US gov't. I willingly risked my life to help decontaminate the Brentwood Postal facility after the Anthrax attack to help my fellow man. I soon knew, it was an inside job. It was an op...people died. I don't even know if there is a good core anymore that can be salvaged.
See attached. Wonder if anyone is still on the fence about Mueller.