Bout fucking time someone starting holding this faggot to the fire.
“You want to make America again? Tell trump to get the hell out.”
Lindsey cum guzzling graham.
Bout fucking time someone starting holding this faggot to the fire.
“You want to make America again? Tell trump to get the hell out.”
Lindsey cum guzzling graham.
Worst decode in the history of code.
Decent anon. Nice and clean.
Has anything actually happened on these lunar events?
I guess what I’m saying is, how many times do you need to be wrong about something before you cut your losses?
Anyone predicting specific dates on any of this clearly have no fucking clue the scale of this undertaking.
“Duhhhhhh Trump is waiting for a full moon to drop the hammer”.
Look at yourselves for fucks sake.
Consume less so you can see moar clearly, anon
>I would rip your head off and shit down your neck if we met
Clearly you haven’t been exposed to cartel decapitations and the durability of the human neck.
Nice work anon, kek.
Try crayons. Might be moar your speed.
Back to back to back overhand rights on your temple, and this is what I get in return?
Credibility means something in all of this anon.
We need to be air fucking tight. Last night the bread when crazy for Biden vs Bidan. That was funny as fuck. The lunar shit just makes us look like a bunch of dickheads.
See: clockfags
Funny you don’t seem them poasting as much, huh.
How was RR a black hat?
What was his senate confirmation vote?
Read a lot moar before you hurt yourself with those hot takes, stimpy.
>waste of trips
^^^ worst kind of anon. Think about how fucking stupid you sound.
How many times do we get “trips” a bread?
Digit faggots are worse than clock niggers.
If RR was a black hat, why not a SINGLE republican Nay vote.
I don’t need the theatrics and half-assed snark. It accomplished nothing and makes you look like a dink. Just being honest.
You are right. I read it again and am big enough to admit when I am wrong.
“Nigger” and “faggot” have jumped the shark.
>The R's prop up the establishment to give your low-level/2D thought process a simple answer.
This isn’t twitter, anon.
Not a SINGLE republican Nay vote for Rod Rosenstein.
Picture me jacking off into your mothers mouth and saying it. See if that helps.
Did anons know Bryan Never Trump Cranston produced an instructional child abduction prevention video?
Organic digits make my dick hard, but digitfagginf kind of takes away from it, don’t you think?
>Clinton was impeached but not convicted.
>It would be highly damaging to Trump if he were impeached, regardless of conviction.
I would tell you to kys, but what’s the point anymore.
100% of those nays are Dems. And of those 6, 4 of them are running for President.
It’s embarrassing to watch, right?
That being said, the fact anons can’t see RR was a white hat just goes to show how fucking successful it was.