Anonymous ID: 5f02f3 June 14, 2019, 8:19 p.m. No.6754530   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5024

From the last thread.


True, but from Eisenhowers perspective it was the only logical option. Say he disarmed and the soviets didnt. Say he disarmed and the aliens then proceed to blow him tfo, with no resistance.


Plus, with the baby boom, who would notice one or two missing. Set up the 501(c)3 tax dodge furthermore to facilitate the financial shenanigans involved with smuggling people.


I agree, we should have disarmed, there are far more powerful weapons out there than nukes anyway. Shoulda coulda woulda. Didnt. Lol

Anonymous ID: 5f02f3 June 14, 2019, 8:43 p.m. No.6754717   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Think about all the cabal elements that use spirals in their logos.


Then think about the ethnic displacement in Norway, and other western European countries, mass migration, anti-white racism, white genocide. Call it what you will.


Why ostracize capable white men en masse in western europe. Why africanize europe to a massive, massive extent.


Creation by force of a hybrid ethnicity in western europe/ the world? For what purpose? Why signal the beginning of this massive social engineering project in the sky? Who is being signalled?

