ID: ded959
Hello there, cabal puppet,
you sound scared
and restless
The white hats can hear your breathing, maggot
Your time is coming
and you will hang with the rest of your masters
you better kys while you still have the chance.
ID: ded959
Hello there, cabal puppet,
you sound scared
and restless
The white hats can hear your breathing, maggot
Your time is coming
and you will hang with the rest of your masters
you better kys while you still have the chance.
Oh look I triggered a bot with telling a cabal puppet to kill themselves.
You cabal idiots really are that stupid
Hello there Maddow
White hats can hear you breathing
Anons know your ratings are shit, bitch
Anons smell your panic
Anne Hamilton-Byrne dead at 98.
Cult leader known for brainwashing and drugging the children she adopted in the 70's and 80's.
May you burn in hell for harming and preying on children, bitch.
You need to work on your insults you dumb fucking nigger.