Yes, it is delicious.
Wray is an independent thinker doing what he thinks is best. Not just following President Trump's orders.
Just like Sessions.
Just like RR
Just like Mueller.
Optics are very important. Aren't they?
Yes, it is delicious.
Wray is an independent thinker doing what he thinks is best. Not just following President Trump's orders.
Just like Sessions.
Just like RR
Just like Mueller.
Optics are very important. Aren't they?
A large percentage of the world's population is still living within the deception.
Optics are EVERYTHING to them.
Everyone is playing a part in this drama. EVERYONE. Even POTUS himself.
In order for all of this to appear legit to those trapped in the illusion, many actors must appear to be independent.
If the media can slander those actors as 'Trump puppets' they will. And the plan won't work.
They have to oppose him publicly to keep up the appearance. This isn't for us. It's for them.
Jokes on you clown. I read the entire Pizzagate blog.
I know. And once you know. There is no going back to sleep.
Time is not on your side. I hope the money was worth it.
You should pray POTUS puts you in prison. Where you will be safe.
From us.