You really are a slave driver…
This is rude..
Please don't leave.
I love you senpai
Don't make me explain
dunno if i can suffix your problems senpai..
Imagine where you would be without Q.
Get comfy.
Enjoy the show.
It's the good timeline where the God Emperor reveals that he is actually God in human form, the second coming. He then declares that humanity made the right decision. On the Fourth of July 2021 and that is the big reveal. Our consciousness unite in a hivemind singularity. All our thoughts and emotions connected and unified in a massive expression of love and beauty. In this state we control our bodies from both third and first person, dependent on how fine tune the action is. Think of it as getting light headed and floating out for third person and feeling grounded when retentering to first person view. Uhm, I forgot the rest..
Oh yeah, something about you are immortal in this state. So take care of your body and minds before the big day. Because you will kind of be stuck that way, decay-wise at least… your flexibility will remain the same, as you adjust to the new gifts of knowledge.
If you are a fourth dimensional being, talking to other fourth dimensional beings about how other fourth dimensional beings are NPCs, what would a 5th dimensional being think about you? In fact, would you know one if you met one?
In fact, would you sometimes think that the influence was a bit much?
But to be by and large, I hope you see what I am talking about in future episodes.
Don't freak out, senpai loves all anon.
You speak through subtext and insinuation, like a caddy faggot.
Okay, I have a plan anon..
You have to give anon, the N word pass.
Give anon the N word pass.
And I will give you the FAGGOT PASS.
Okay? You can say to me, you stupid fucking cocksucking faggot, you take dicks in the asshole you fucking pathetic faggot piece of shit. And I would only be mad that you called me a stupid fuck that is a fucking pathetic piece of shit.
And I don't mean N-a but the HARD R…
I mean imagine a world of …
True equality.
Everyone is a bunch of ….
And if someone calls you one?
You can call them it back.
They will say what did that … just –
At that point the … is knocked the fuck out.
Do you catch my drift? Mein ….
It is hip and unbearably autistic.
Just autistic enough to work…
Not sure.
>>6754988 ##
Pretty sure they have been following.
check em!
You guys are insufferable…
Wait, you guys honestly think that was Q?
And what happens when we dox Q?