If this vaccine shit is serious, why doesn't q tell us one way or another? Kinda something you can't undo after u get the shot. So much misinformation then boom outbreak after outbreak. Kinda fucked if something is wrong with vaccines and q just sitting back trust the plan. Ya, im a cocernfag I don't trust anyone who "mandates" you get an injection against your will. I may have missed a thread so I'm posting here hoping for answers.
I trust q, I just want info on vaxcines
15 posts already. We notice you shitting the bread
Fuck faggot stop crying like a bitch for attention is fuckimg disgusting to watch
What kills me about this logic is all the people who are still asleep getting thier kids injected. Standing by as a crime is being committed is the same as guilt imho.
Remember. Only >(you)
can prevent bread shitting.