Anonymous ID: 355eea June 15, 2019, 2:57 a.m. No.6756142   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6191 >>6217 >>6376


AP is dodgy. Read the actual EXECUTIVE ORDER.


in order to conduct Federal oversight of agricultural biotechnology products that is science-based, timely, efficient, and transparent, it is hereby ordered as follows:


Section 1. Purpose. Recent advances in biotechnology have the potential to revolutionize agriculture and thereby enhance rural prosperity and improve the quality of American lives. Biotechnology can help the Nation meet its food production needs, raise the productivity of the American farmer, improve crop and animal characteristics, increase the nutritional value of crop and animal products, and enhance food safety. In order to realize these potential benefits, however, the United States must employ a science-based regulatory system that evaluates products based on human health and safety and potential benefits and risks to the environment. Such a system must both foster public confidence in biotechnology and avoid undue regulatory burdens.


The September 2016 National Strategy for Modernizing the Regulatory System for Biotechnology Products (National Strategy) and the January 2017 Update to the Coordinated Framework for the Regulation of Biotechnology (Coordinated Framework) were important steps in clarifying Federal regulatory roles and responsibilities with respect to agricultural biotechnology. The Agriculture and Rural Prosperity Task Force established in April 2017 recommended additional steps to further modernize the regulatory framework for agricultural biotechnology products so as to facilitate innovation, ensure coordination across regulatory agencies, and safely enable billions of people across America and the world to reap the benefits of such products. The directives below are intended to implement those recommendations.


Sec. 2. Definition. For the purposes of this order, the term “product of agricultural biotechnology” refers to a plant or animal, or a product of such a plant or animal, developed through genetic engineering or through the targeted in vivo or in vitro manipulation of genetic information, with the exception of plants or animals, or the products thereof, developed for non agricultural purposes, such as to produce pharmaceutical or industrial compounds.


Sec. 3. Policy. It is the policy of the Federal Government to protect public health and the environment by adopting regulatory approaches for the products of agricultural biotechnology that are proportionate responses to the risks such products pose, and that avoid arbitrary or unjustifiable distinctions across like products developed through different technologies. Any regulatory regime for products of agricultural biotechnology should ensure public confidence in the oversight of such products and also promote future innovation and competitiveness. To support these goals, the Federal Government shall:


(a) base regulatory decisions on scientific and technical evidence, and take into account, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, economic factors;


(b) review regulatory applications for products of agricultural biotechnology in a timely and efficient manner;


(c) ensure the transparency, predictability, and consistency of the regulation of products of agricultural biotechnology, to the extent permitted by law;


(d) as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, develop regulations and guidance through processes that provide fair notice to the public and allow for its participation;


(e) make regulatory determinations based on risks associated with the product and its intended end use; and


(f) promote trade in products of agricultural biotechnology by urging trading partners to adopt science- and risk-based regulatory approaches.


Sec. 4. Regulatory Streamlining. The Secretary of Agriculture (Secretary), the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (Administrator), and the Commissioner of Food and Drugs (Commissioner), to the extent consistent with law and the principles set forth in section 3 of this order, shall:


(a) within 180 days of the date of this order, identify relevant regulations and guidance documents within their respective jurisdictions that can be streamlined to ensure that products of agricultural biotechnology are regulated in accordance with the policy set forth in section 3 of this order and take the steps appropriate and necessary to accomplish such streamlining; and


more at the link

Anonymous ID: 355eea June 15, 2019, 3:01 a.m. No.6756149   🗄️.is đź”—kun


C before d


after RR, well it's after RR who got off (as far as we know) and Rm is gone and is off (as far as we know)


You take it on faith, you take it to the heart

The waiting is the hardest part….


and bay I am waiting and waiting ans waiting and waiting and ………………more waiting


This movie needs a new title called The Waiting.

Anonymous ID: 355eea June 15, 2019, 3:11 a.m. No.6756167   🗄️.is đź”—kun


I wish every single illegal alien would just drop dead. I am sick and tired of their shit.


I am sick of my property taxes going through the roof to educate their illegal kids while not allowed to use those kids to deport. That teachers get fired complaining about non-English speaking illegal aliens and the classroom and fired for trying to remove them.


I am sick and tired of being a wallet and a door mat. Where is my fucking JUSTICE? That's all I want to know where is my fairness and my justice?

Anonymous ID: 355eea June 15, 2019, 3:31 a.m. No.6756200   🗄️.is đź”—kun


This all you need to know.


I didn't get a choice when my job was offshored. These entitled pieces of DC SHIT need suck it up for a change, since shot heads in DC in the chamber of commerce and fucking elected crooks sold me and my job down the river for a few dolla more. .


THAT"S the liberal democrat diarrhea Perdue puts up with. They dont give a shot about us or you.