"The last 15 years have dramatically illustrated that the great
enemy of self-sufficient people is a government that rigorously
and self-righteously demands that its citizens either remain or
become mindless dependents. Sad to say, but no government in
the world seems willing to tolerate self-sufficient, self-confident
citizens, as was true in the formative days of the United States,
in spite of the fact that these are the very citizens who con-
tribute most to any society's economic advancement.
Some readers will charge, "You should have known!
What, after all, is the Second Amendment about?" Upon
superficial observation, it only seems to guarantee the right to
keep and bear arms. But historic research undertaken by
groups ranging from the National Rifle Association to Jews for
the Preservation of Firearms Ownership have conclusively
proved that, in the eyes of our country's founders, keeping
arms was the same as keeping one's independence from gov-
ernment. They guaranteed our freedom to possess guns so we
could shoot back and not become government thralls!
Not all Americans want to remain independent. Life in the
cage can be pretty cushy if one does not value the ability to
create, travel, achieve, and suffer." - Ragnar Benson