Know that feel anon. We are here for the long haul - I thought I had missed everything when I started this journey (and it is) in Feb. Recently my sleep patterns have gone way out of whack though and concentration with it - at the moment I am just blankly staring at Q posts and time stamps.
One thing I did notice though with the 244 tweets recently. 244 in minutes is 4 hr 4 mins (4:04). (6/14) US Army tweet (09:05)/NSA tweet (08:25) of 244 had a 00:40 delta. And there was a RT of a US Army tweet by the USMC last night with a 14:04 delta. Lots of 0s and lots of 4s. Also trying to work backwards from the flags. Pretty sure Q 644 links to 1375 still playing with that.