Anonymous ID: db21c1 June 15, 2019, 3:25 a.m. No.6756191   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6200



What a bunch of political non-talk.

"It means what you want it to mean" legislation.

President Trump is catching the DC "nothing but nonsense" syndrome

Say what you want to say – spit it out.


IF this means we will now be able to know when fish genes have been instilled into fruit

then say so.


How about pesticides put into our grains?

How about some glyphosphate tests ?

How about the preservation of heritage grains?

Tell Sonny Perdue to check out how sick we are of this crap AND THE LIES they tell about it.


BTW – time to reclassify marijuana

Show us some real truth, eh?

Time to be growing hemp instead of cotton.


This DC language bullshit is enough to make ya puke.

Anonymous ID: db21c1 June 15, 2019, 3:43 a.m. No.6756217   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6232 >>6266



Take a look at permaculture while you're at it,

Monoculture crops will deplete the soil FOR ALL TIME in 200 years. We are approaching that critical time frame.


Using nitrogen to suck what little nutrients remain in the soil, will not solve it.

Spraying pesticides onto the soil will only sterilize it.

Soil is a living medium for growing things.

It consists of enzymes and bugs and LIFE that need to be encouraged and nurtured.

Permaculture resolves this depletion of soil.


Animal farming is also critical in that animals should be rotated from field to field to allow new growth of grasses.


There is much to be learned.

The reason biotechnology was considered so crucial is because farmers were depleting their soil… farmers were not leveling the tiers of their land to catch rain properly, and lost their topsoils to runoff…


Instead of biotechnology, we should talk HEALTHY SOIL and HEALTHY ANIMALS.

Biotechnology is trying to outlaw organics.


Foreign countries don't want our GMO products and our glyphosphate ridden technology.


Scrap biotechnology and learn how to preserve your farms before all american soil becomes sterile and unusable forever.

Anonymous ID: db21c1 June 15, 2019, 3:57 a.m. No.6756243   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6309



where is that article about social security numbers being stolen


the article said there were 39 million compromised social security numbers


hussein had stopped the notification to employers when a counterfeit SS number showed on their employment


Trump administration resumed the notifications


39 fking million compromised SS numbers


so how many illegals do we have ?

and not all latinos, either

try to talk english to a cook at a chinese take out joint

they nod in english and that's IT


makes you afraid to eat at these places

who knows what foreign disease they might have

and have they really been trained in food handling?

and why is there a taco truck on every corner?

we don't eat yar tacos, foks

not from "here today gone tomorrow" restaurants



when a chinese girl loads rice onto a plate with her hand — you know she needs further training


sick stuff

afraid to eat at any restaurant any more

Anonymous ID: db21c1 June 15, 2019, 4:18 a.m. No.6756277   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This all goes back to the movie "It's a Wonderful Life"

In that movie, the Bailey Savings and Loan (whatever they called it) was a good example of how Americans helped each other – in order to create a healthy community of people who lived happily amongst each other


and then there was Mr Potter

whose only concern was to make money

and if you kept him from making money then you were a scoundrel that he would eliminate


Potter called the Bailey family a bunch of chumps – because they kept their humanity in the business

Business was ABOUT human society and the happiness thereof

For Potter – it was only about money – dead dead money


Mitt Romney is like Mr Potter

he ran healthy american companies into the ground, put whole communities out of work, and sold off the scraps


Whatever religion allows a man to do that to people – isn't much of a religion to speak of at all


Look around you

we are living in Pottersville

and Trump is George Bailey

trying to get us back to what we were

when we were sweet and happy Bedford Falls

Anonymous ID: db21c1 June 15, 2019, 5:17 a.m. No.6756404   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6448 >>6668



one of the wonders of the hemp plant

is that it cleans and replenishes soil


monoculture farming is what depletes soil


it is becoming a problem now in many areas that a layer of salt rises to the top of the fields making the field sterile


methods such as french draining whole fields are being used to prevent this

planting hemp helps bring deep nutrients up towards the surface


grains are not a natural food for cattle

they are used to fatten cattle, which causes their gaseous problems

and animals that are penned up in tight quarters will spread disease, which requires antibiotics

and what you end up with is a damn sick animal


permaculture allows animals to live natural lives in green, sheltered pastures

allowing their dung to break down naturally before they return to that field


many books have been written on this

many foods can be grown that do not need yearly planting

it is not "organic gardening" per se

it is an entire system of rejuvenating the land

they have made deserts into oasis with lakes using these ideas and land management skills



we need good sense and that's it

Anonymous ID: db21c1 June 15, 2019, 5:34 a.m. No.6756461   🗄️.is 🔗kun



everybody's work gets deleted


watch it happen to youtube


they have designed the framework of the internet to benefit their control agenda


we should NOT have third party cookies

we should NOT have googleads on every page

we should NOT be forced to sign user agreements

we should NOT be forced to surrender our work to be owned by the platform that we post it on


It's like this.

Time-Warner bought up entire libraries of american films

Now, if you want to see a great old film

you buy it

There are no more saturday matinees with the great movies

there are no more showing of the great old religious movies

I remember when on hot summer afternoons we watched old movies on tv next to a fan

and we learned about our culture

and we learned from historical movies

and from classics, and dance and song

it was rich with learning and wonder


all the wonderful americana is gone

and who knows how it might be altered


after all, there was a rumor that the essential frames of the kennedy assassination were missing

those frames showed the driver's hand reaching around his shoulder


history gets altered to fit someone's agenda

Anonymous ID: db21c1 June 15, 2019, 6:01 a.m. No.6756586   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6606 >>6679



Trump can't do it all.

We are all part of "making america great again"

We need to do the work of making our communities healthy and livable

We need to learn what so many have forgotten


If you watch Trump avidly you will see how he does it.

He connects with people.

He speaks good words to show the way.

For instance, at Billy Graham's funeral he said that "prayer is what has sustained our nation"

THAT is making america great again.

We are learning and remembering what is great about our country.


At his rallies, he plays the same song

which is great timing for him to walk the stage and say hello to the people who came to see him


He teaches us mercy for the prisoner

and hope for the suffering and sick

We just have to pay attention and learn these lessons.


I have several reasons why I believe DJT will clean up the swamp

but if you look really close

you will see his magic inspiring the world


We have to become a nation worth respecting again

because we have made some real messes

and we need President Trump to protect us from the backlash

And we need to help FIND OUR WAY BACK HOME

We have to learn the truth about our lives

We have to dispel all the lies

We have to learn how we were misled

and how our beliefs were shaped wrongly


America has been degraded and torn apart for decades

All our institutions have been undermined or destroyed altogether

The people we relied on to guide us were not our friends


So, we have work to do on our own

President Trump will do his part

we must do our part

Make America great again, and keep it great

Anonymous ID: db21c1 June 15, 2019, 6:19 a.m. No.6756679   🗄️.is 🔗kun



What is so inspiring and amazing is how Trump supporters have stood in the cold and the rain for hours – to get into one of his rallies.


My guess is – it puts the fear in the cabal.

We do big league things just showing up.


We've learned to resent our police and their bad morale harmed their commitment to the community

and so

we need to follow the lead

and respect our public servants who risk their lives for us

we need to thank them and respect them

and they will rise up to our expectations


I personally have gone through many changes in the past three years. I understand better the reasons why we should do things in a good and proper way – because it matters.


President Trump knew all about these players he is dealing with. I wonder if he is giving them their last chance to come over to the right side of the law – because he knows who is paying who for what – and who are the criminals.


After all, many books have been written over the years about this stuff. And if DJT was planning to get into politics, he needed to know who he was dealing with. Not that steep of a learning curve, if you have the right friends.


And then there is 911.


Anonymous ID: db21c1 June 15, 2019, 6:37 a.m. No.6756752   🗄️.is 🔗kun




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