Come on POTUS!
We need a bit of comic relief in this show of yours.
You have been building the suspense by letting the left come at you and yours anyway they choose.
We are watching the DOJ refuse to prosecute their own criminals.
We are watching evidence dribble out that surely shows criminal behavior and it is ignored by all save the patriots/anons.
Wray ('trust Wray'), appears to be a complete disaster - covering for the DS.
OK! The stage is set. You have everything. You are in control and 100% insulated. NK & Iran are covered - ok. Your talks with the Queen appear to have … I got nothing.
So what am I asking for? Just one (1) single hammer blow that absolutely crushes one of the top tier enemies. Brennen, Clapper, Comey I don't care. Yates, VJ, even BHO or HRC (although I am sure you have a dedicated scene just for them).
Just give us a WIN in this arena. I want to see some realization on the faces of the left when they see one of their own go down.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed your bday.
I love the show (just give us a good kill shot) - its like watching John Wick but he hasn't shot anyone yet.