Speculation on timing for top-tier arrests.
RealEyeTheSpy (ETS) tweet today - plaque about a Nazi submarine.
ETS also asks can arrests happen before investigation complete? Of course not. When - when can top tier be taken down?
Q posts:
Mar 15 2018 - #952:
> We have the sub.
Jun 26 2018 - #1595:
>You may have the site, but we have the source. (followed by link to >wikileaks)
>Panic is good.
>Panic is right.
>July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH.
>Conspiracy no more.
(one year delta?)
Jul 3 2018, #1666
>We have the server
Aug 3 2018, #1815:
>We have the server[S].
Aug 11, 2018, #1842
>We have the source.
preceded with a link to an article from the hill, senate wants to talk to Assange about Russia probe
Apr 11, 2019, #3312:
>Nothing can stop what is coming.
>As the target(s) turn to the other side, the attacks will intensify.
>We have the source.
Assange extradition is important to timing oif everything.
The bulk of the investigation is done.
Within 14 days of Assange landing on US shores, (Nazi sub reference in the DOJ/FBI plaque) the indictments are finalized and arrests of top tier can begin.
POTUS interview - he'd be willing to take dirt from a foreign source. Assange is a foreign source.
1 year delta July Q posts.
Jul 3 2018, #1671
>Case that implicates some of the most senior elected officials (treason) is being handled by the appropriate office.
Jul 3 2018, #1670
>What will tomorrow be?
Independence Day!
July 4 2018, #1681
>Today, as Patriots, we celebrate our Independence.