"time links to Q post number theory" appears to be shill created bogosity.
no, we're not adding your non-sequitor blackpill to an observation about shill slides.
interesting, first I'd heard of this, not surprised.
I wonder if they can pull some kind of a "social score" from FB/GOOG and use that to sandbag your listing algorithmically.
probably the same with your resume, your insurance, your access to medical, etc etc etc.
I wonder if it could be shown that they beat the prices down by sandboxing your listing then use their agents to buy it up cheap. Man would that be a class action suit.
lock yourself up
Value is assessed by how much USA owes on the national debt. Every state gets told how much they have to pony up, then every county, then the County Assessors have to divvy up the demands in a plausible way and shake down the owners for their assessed property taxes.
Real estate prices are often inflated by the tax assessment.
if you have land, never sell it. hard lesson to learn.
I'm not positive whether the assessments are driven by the USA CORP's debt or the original land grant to Virginia (Company) that required a yearly tribute of 35% of all gold, silver, copper or gems "discovered or yet to be discovered."
In any case, it's an old obligation and one that many layers of obfuscation have been added to.
We ought to nationalize all mortgages and use some of that new AI forensic accounting to figure out who really owns what and who profited illegally.
If a property has "zombie title" i.e. got microsecond traded as part of a mortgage backed securities bundle until no one has the original note … give it to current occupant or issue it to veterans or homeless Americans.
in our Common Law system, land is always GRANTED. It's always a gift, for love or for fealty or military service. The idea that money changes hands for it is a separate and parallel system that has eclipsed the common law.
The bankruptcy of the USA CORP and the New Deal, where everyone was presumed to assent to being a ward of the state, was what enabled the current real estate system.
yes, if "current occupant" needs to self-deport, no free house.
how did we get there (here) on the metaphorical ship?
what did we touch that made us into merchants, subject to Commercial - Maritime - Admiralty Law and not Common Law ?
Why is Common Law not really "common" any more?
Perhaps most importantly, what is the youngest age at which a child can learn all these abstractions so as not to be a hoodwinked adult?
There is obviously a subset of human population that is very facile with the abstractions of law, and yet they obscure it and use it to subjugate others.
Government probes MLS hidden Realtor commissions, could be next housing-market domino to topple
thank you, baker.
three percent real estate commission funds all the Satanism, film at eleven.