Anonymous ID: cc1121 June 15, 2019, 7:07 a.m. No.6756868   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6873

>>6755587 (PB)


>Anyone know the deal with Soledad O'Brien?


>She's pretty vicious on twitter, almost to the point of being threatening. I've looked a bit into her–did quite a bit of >reporting from Haiti (red flag immediately, but could be blissfully innocent)…covered JFK Jr crash. Has a couple >foundation-type things.


Whether people verbally vomit or write down their slander of another into the intermind, it is their demonic or darkside in possession.


What rational or civilized reason exists for regressing to childhood extremism, when parenting should have confronted and tamed the inner madness?


When people cannot help but expose their psychological problems to the world, they are asking for help from the depths of their souls, for an intervention from other human beings to save them from themselves.


We have a responsibility to provide assistance to that person, NOT gleefully pile on with the demon gang!


Was it not crystal clear in childhood that acting out slander or hostility toward others is socially unacceptable among civilized people?

Down in the mouth or bad mouthing others, neither is sustainable nor excusable, but an indicator of mental issues which a person interested in growing toward self-understanding and self-control.


What has happened is now obvious: the media, the monolithic corporate media Matrix and the (anti-)social media echo chamber have derailed the ordinary paths of criticism and feedback, permitting these mental issues to fester into life-threatening derangement of rational and emotional balance.


People are encouraged to be mindless minions of agendas which followers refuse to see in plain sight by media doomleaders (opposite of cheerleaders!), leading by their egos to become members of virtual gang stalkers, leaving their humanity behind in favor of automatic intellectual fantasy role-playing games.


Personal responsibility is traded for the dopamine hits of recognition for cruel behavior toward anyone outside their groupthink group, falling farther and farther into subjective fantasies which trap the mind in a hell of the own making!


This is where we are as a "civilization" under seige from big money, using big data against the well-being of the real people.



Anonymous ID: cc1121 June 15, 2019, 7:09 a.m. No.6756873   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>which a person interested in growing toward self-understanding and self-control.


which a person interested in growing toward self-understanding and self-control, would care about in a sane world!

Anonymous ID: cc1121 June 15, 2019, 8:32 a.m. No.6757248   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Yeah…none of this makes sense and y'all gross.


>After reading the teachings and beliefs of Jesus does he strike you as some lunatic drinking blood and eating people's flesh?


>I find that hard to believe.


and once again, literal interpretations of allegory make no sense.


The primary threat of the deluded hordes of media-addicted minions is that they take their '''spoon-fed propaganda" LITERALLY!


Their imaginations are all captured territory and are UNAVAILABLE for interpretation duty.


Also, key point: to interpret allegorical writings of deep topics, one must raise thir consciousness and tune in the minds of the authors (and deeper in, the mind of THE AUTHOR OF ALL)


hope that points the way out of confusion, away from flat superficial thinking, into deeper waters!