Anonymous ID: db8099 June 15, 2019, 6:53 a.m. No.6756817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6889 >>7467

Social Media Platform VOAT Goes Offline, Top Site in ‘Drain the Swamp’ Fight – Users Suspect Deep State Interference


VOAT is a news aggregator and social networking service where registered community members can submit content such as text posts and direct links. VOAT prides itself on being free from censorship.


VOAT is despised by the left and the deep state apparatus.


If you go to, although hopefully it is back up by the time you get this. Just now I got the following at that site:


HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.


A daily user wrote The Gateway Pundit on Saturday morning to tell us. This is the first time they have seen this happen.


VOAT is a central forum in the drain-the-swamp fight, second only to 8 chan.


I checked around online, and did not see any discussion of this. It probably just happened.


VOAT has had difficulty raising money. Far left PayPal cut off their funding in January 2015.

Anonymous ID: db8099 June 15, 2019, 7:22 a.m. No.6756919   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Valerie Jarrett is more white than I am, yet Roseanne lost her show over a Twat joke.

These buffoons all need to rot in their cesspool of filth.

They make me SICK!

Anonymous ID: db8099 June 15, 2019, 7:48 a.m. No.6757041   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7098

More than 140 rallies calling for President Donald Trump’s impeachment are expected throughout Southern California and the nation today, Saturday, June 15.


At least 16 rallies were planned for the Southland. It was unclear early today how many people would attend the rallies. Counter-protests in support of the president are also expected, including one scheduled at Los Angeles City Hall.

Demonstrations, under the banner “#ImpeachTrump: Act to Defend Democracy,” were set to take place in Van Nuys, Sierra Madre, Redondo Beach, Torrance, Chino Hills, Brea, Riverside, Mission Viejo, Irvine and elsewhere.

The “American people have seen that there is enough evidence to begin the impeachment process of Trump,” said Aaron McCall, chairman of Indivisible OC48, “based on what he’s said in public and also what’s in the redacted Mueller report.”

McCall is organizing impeachment events in Seal Beach and Laguna Beach.

“This is now a rule of law question,” he added. “It’s about whether or not we’re going to stand up for what’s right.”

The Seal Beach rally is among the earliest, scheduled to begin at 9 a.m., while others are expected to unfold the rest of the morning and into the afternoon. At least seven protests are set to start at 1 p.m.

But not all of those in the streets Saturday will be rallying against Trump. At least one event, scheduled for Saturday afternoon at Los Angeles City Hall, was organized to support the President.


“Remember there is always haters against Trump,” the counter-protest’s organizer Valerie Barber wrote in a post on the event’s Facebook page. “Trump derangement syndrome is real. We will keep on doing our thing. Trump is your President like it or not.”

As the nation and its leadership grow increasingly polarized, the impeachment debate has fueled that division. In the wake of special prosecutor Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections and suspected links between Trump associates and Russian officials, the fissures have deepened.

The president and top Republicans declared the report cleared the president of wrongdoing. Democrats have called for deeper investigation, citing incidents they believe could be obstruction of justice. In response, the president has set forth efforts to “investigate the investigators,” claiming the probes of his campaign and administration are politically motivated and illegal.

Though some Democratic candidates for president have spoke in favor of impeachment, most Americans are not yet on board, according to polls.


A poll conducted June 6-10 by Quinnipiac University found 33% of Americans in favor of impeachment, 61% against the idea, and 6% unsure. The poll, which has a 3.5% margin of error, was conducted before June 12, when Trump told ABC News that he would accept politically helpful information from a foreign power in the future, and suggested he might not tell the FBI about the offer.

A House resolution to order an impeachment inquiry was introduced in the House in recent weeks, but Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that the effort is “not even close” to having enough support in the House.

Some observers believe impeachment proceedings would only help Trump win re-election by solidifying his supporters in opposition of such an effort.


This is a developing story and will be updated throughout the day.

Anonymous ID: db8099 June 15, 2019, 8:01 a.m. No.6757111   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7306 >>7511 >>7522

Japan’s Abe holds phone talks with Trump on Iran trip


TOKYO, June 14 (Xinhua) — Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held a phone conversation with U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday to brief him about the Japanese prime minister’s trip to Iran this week, local media reported.


“U.S. President Trump expressed appreciation for my visit to Iran and efforts (toward easing tensions),” Abe said in a press conference at his office in Tokyo shortly after their phone talks.

Abe said that he agreed with Trump to work closely for regional peace and stability, amid heightened tensions in the Middle East.


During his two-day trip to Iran, Abe sought to mediate a de-escalation in tensions between Washington and Tehran, and offered to broker dialogue between the two countries, according to Japanese government officials.


Nevertheless, his efforts to broker dialogue were rejected by Iran with Abe stating that the standoff in the region remains difficult.


Abe said Japan remained committed to working towards peace and stability in the region and the de-escalation of tensions between the United States and Iran, according to the Japanese Foreign Ministry.


Abe’s visit to Iran marked the first visit made by a Japanese prime minister since Takeo Fukuda in 1978.

Anonymous ID: db8099 June 15, 2019, 8:48 a.m. No.6757334   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7353 >>7389

Levin changes stance, calls for Trump impeachment hearings


Berkley — Michigan Democratic U.S. Rep. Andy Levin on Saturday joined mounting calls by lawmakers to start impeachment hearings for President Donald Trump.

Levin made the comments at the beginning of a town hall at Berkley High School. He becomes the fourth member of the state's congressional delegation to urge impeachment proceedings.


Levin said his oath to protect and defend the Constitution motivated his call for the House to open an impeachment inquiry into Trump's conduct.

"Trump has been violating the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution each and every day since he took office," Levin said to a group of his constituents at his former high school. "I have said from the beginning that I feel like Mr. Trump has committed multiple impeachable offenses.

"His intertwining of his business dealings with governance and his profiting off his office are beyond improper. His refusal to share information about his taxes prevents the public from knowing the nature and extent of his conflict of interest."

Levin mentioning the Mueller report as an example saying, "Volume I is horrifying enough in terms of Mr. Mueller's inclusion that there was overwhelming Russian interference in the election of 2016 … but really it's about Volume II which states obstruction of justice."

The first-term Bloomfield Township Democrat joins more than 60 other House Democrats who have called for impeachment. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-California, has resisted calls to start impeachment hearings but has ramped up her rhetoric against Trump by accusing his administration of engaging in a "criminal cover-up."

Previously, Levin called for investigations into Trump saying, "It doesn't make sense to impeach him now because impeachment isn't only a legal act but a political act."


"The Republicans in the House aren't ready yet, the Republican's in the Senate aren't ready and I think the American people aren't very fully behind this," he said Saturday. "I think they're not behind it because the public doesn't read a 438-page report … and the story has not been told."

In Michigan's delegation, two others have said Trump's conduct warrants impeachment.


Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Detroit, introduced a resolution backing impeachment in March.

In May, Rep. Justin Amash, R-Cascade Township, became the sole Republican in Congress to call for impeachment proceedings. The move has helped spark at least one Republican state lawmaker to mount a primary challenge against Amash, a five-term congressman.

Levin's announcement follows similar comments by U.S. Rep. Dan Kildee, D-Flint Township, who changed course this past week after ABC News aired an interview with Trump in which he said “there isn’t anything wrong” with accepting information on a campaign opponent from foreigners, and that he might not notify the FBI were it to happen.

"I don't think there's any way to erase the fact that what the president has done is signaled that he is not only willing to but I believe pursuing foreign interference in this election because he's not willing to take the election on with a fair fight," Kildee said.

Some Republicans have defended Trump's statement by noting that Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign accepted foreign help against the New York businessman by paying for the Steele dossier that helped prompt surveillance of the Trump campaign.


"Talk about taking foreign help," tweeted Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, on Thursday. "Hillary Clinton hired a foreign spy. He talked to Russians and put together an oppo research document. It wasn’t verified, but the FBI used it to spy on the Trump campaign."

Michigan voters oppose House lawmakers launching impeachment proceedings, according to a May 28-30 poll of 600 likely voters. The Glengariff Group survey released to The Detroit News found that nearly 53 percent are opposed to the U.S. House starting impeachment hearings, while about 40 percent support impeaching Trump.