I know of what you speak anon, my family is the same way, not to mention the many freinds I've walked away from because of their "insanity". And you'll hear many a similar story from most on this board. I "comfort" myself by telling myself they're under a spell, they've been entranced by Jezebel or some other witch, I'm just thankful it hasnt effected me, sort of a "there but for the grace of God go I", and oftentimes I wonder if that isn't tthe deciding factor, my faith, but I also know some on here don't have that same faith but they also seem woke af, so I don't know…
I just hope I find the grace to forgive them once the veil is lifted and they can again "see and understand ", because I know these people voted for Barry and are thus responsible in some large way for all the ills and suffering this country has been and is going through.