Anonymous ID: 76fa0e June 15, 2019, 11:05 a.m. No.6758019   🗄️.is 🔗kun

House GOP Leadership: FBI Director Wray Not Cooperating with AG Barr’s Spygate Investigation – Burying Documents


House GOP leadership is now convinced FBI Director Christopher Wray is not cooperating with Bill Barr and John Durham’s investigation into the origins of Spygate.


According to investigative reporter Paul Sperry, GOP Reps believe Wray is part of the cover-up of Spygate after burying documents and refusing to make people available for interviews.


SPERRY: House GOP leadership has soured on Comey replacement Wray. They r now convinced Wray’s not part of the FBI cleanup & not cooperating w AG Barr & is in fact part of the cover-up of #SpyGate scandal after burying documents & refusing to make people available for interview


Swamp creature FBI Director Wray and FBI brass have yet to condemn the Obama administration spying on the opposition party during the 2016 election.


Last month Wray told the Senate Appropriations Committee that Bill Barr’s use of the word “spying” to describe the spying on the Trump campaign and administration was “not the term I would use.


Wray also told the committee he has no evidence the Obama administration was spying on Trump.


President Trump has had enough.


Last month President Trump finally lashed out at the conflicted FBI director accusing Wray of protecting the deep state gang in a tweetstorm.


Attorney General Bill Barr launched a massive, inter-agency investigation into the origins of Spygate and hired US Attorney from Connecticut John Durham to get to the bottom of the illegal CI investigations into Trump and his associates during the 2016 election.


The FBI was heavily involved in the attempted coup against President Trump so the upper echelons of the FBI needs to be cleaned out (at minimum) and people need to go to jail.

Anonymous ID: 76fa0e June 15, 2019, 11:06 a.m. No.6758028   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8104 >>8272 >>8309

Commie Mayor de Blasio Offers Driver’s Licenses and FREE Healthcare to Illegals


In November 2014 New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio signed tow bills to reject most requests from the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to detain undocumented immigrants for deportation.


In January Mayor de Blasio promised guaranteed healthcare to all including illegal aliens in the city.


The Administration will launch the largest, most comprehensive plan in the nation to guarantee health care for every New Yorker. The plan will serve the 600,000 New Yorkers without insurance by strengthening NYC’s public option, MetroPlus, and guaranteeing anyone unable to afford or ineligible for insurance – including undocumented New Yorkers – has direct access to NYC Health + Hospitals’ physicians, pharmacies and mental health and substance use services through a new program called NYC Care.

Anonymous ID: 76fa0e June 15, 2019, 11:08 a.m. No.6758049   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8272 >>8309

India to slap tariffs on 28 US products on Sunday – statement


India said it will on Sunday impose higher tariffs on 28 US products, including almonds, apples and walnuts, in response to Washington’s withdrawal of key trade privileges for New Delhi.


The US goods affected by the Indian tariffs include iron and steel products, flat-rolled stainless steel, boric acid, tube and pipe fittings, screws, bolts and rivets. The hikes also target food products such as walnuts, chickpeas, lentils, apples, pears and artemia shrimps.


The new tariffs would allow India to receive around $217 million additional revenue from US imports, a source told the Times of India earlier.

Anonymous ID: 76fa0e June 15, 2019, 11:11 a.m. No.6758064   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8149

Salvini receives go-ahead to begin restricting migrant transport NGOs in Italy


The Italian Council of Ministers – the principal executive organ of the Italian government – has authorized a new security degree drawn up by national populist interior minister Matteo Salvini that will restrict the activities of NGOs responsible for transporting illegal migrants into the country.


According to a report from Il Giornale, new provisions will grant the Italian government the authority to seize sea vessels from ‘civil society groups’ which breach government sanctions or that try to illegally enter Italy’s territorial waters with illegal migrants on-board.


One portion of the security decree will provide intelligence and police services with more freedom to use wiretaps and undercover operatives to fight illegal human trafficking into Italy.


Article One of the new security decree explicitly states that the Interior Minister now has the authority to “restrict or prohibit the entry, transit or parking of ships in the territorial sea, except in the case of military ships or ships in non-commercial government service, for reasons of public security and order.”


Apart from having their boats seized, captains who disregard the decree will face fines of 10,000 to 50,000 euros.


The authorization of this new security decree marks a significant step in the fight against illegal human traffickers and the migrant transporting NGOs who have aided them for years with impunity.


In fact, Pia Klemp, a German migrant transport vessel captain, is currently facing trial in Italy for her alleged collaboration with human traffickers. If she’s convicted, she could be faced with up to 20 years in prison.


Another portion of the new legislation enacts tougher penalties for individuals who assault police officers during political demonstrations. When asked about this section, Salvini explained: “I do not think that freedom of thought passes through instruments such as firecrackers, bats, and sticks.”


The new decree comes after the country’s 2018 migration and security decree which got rid the humanitarian residency permit and invested several million euros into funding deportations of illegal migrants.


Last year’s legislation addressed problems associated with far-left and Roma squatters and opened up the option to revoke Italian citizenship from convicted terrorists.


But the Italian government isn’t the only one in Europe taking meaningful measures to put an end to mass migration into the continent from the third world.


Last year in February, the Hungarian government also announced new legislation – called the Stop Soros bill – that would make it possible to imprison NGOs and individuals who help to facilitate illegal migration.


Currently, that legislation is in the midst of the standard process of public debate

Anonymous ID: 76fa0e June 15, 2019, 11:16 a.m. No.6758097   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8269 >>8272 >>8309

Stefan Halper To Appear At Cambridge Spy Conference In July


Stefan Halper has laid low since being identified as a longtime FBI informant who had contact with the Trump campaign.

Halper is scheduled to appear at an intelligence conference held at the University of Cambridge.

Former spymasters who worked for the National Security Agency, MI6 and GCHQ will also attend the event.


Stefan Halper, the former professor who is reported to be a longtime FBI informant, will appear alongside former British and American spies at an intelligence seminar at the University of Cambridge in July.


The event, which is hosted by the Cambridge Security Initiative, will feature a host of former Western intelligence community officials, including the former head of MI6 and a former deputy director of the National Security Agency.


Halper has laid low since he was identified in press reports in May 2018 as a longtime FBI informant who had contact with several Trump campaign advisers.


The Daily Caller News Foundation reported March 25, 2018, that Halper met with Carter Page, Sam Clovis and George Papadopoulos during the 2016 presidential campaign. Two months later, newspapers reported Halper was working at the time as an FBI informant.


Halper’s first known campaign contact with Carter Page on July 10, 2016, at an event held at Cambridge. Halper and Page stayed in touch through September 2017, the same month the final Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant against Page expired.


Halper, who was a professor at Cambridge, met with Papadopoulos in London in mid-September 2016. He reached out to Papadopoulos with an offer of $3,000 and an all-expenses paid trip to the U.K. to discuss writing an academic paper on Mediterranean energy security issues. Papadopoulos accepted the offer, and met with Halper and a woman he said was his assistant.


The woman, Azra Turk, was actually a government investigator, The New York Times has reported.


Halper will lead a discussion at the Cambridge event on July 20 along with Nigel Inkster, who retired in 2006 as director of operations and intelligence for MI6, the British equivalent of the CIA. Halper and Inkster will speak about intelligence challenges posed by China. Halper is considered an expert on China. He is the author of “The Beijing Consensus,” a study on China’s authoritarianism. He has also contracted with the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment to study China’s relationships with India and Russia.

Anonymous ID: 76fa0e June 15, 2019, 11:18 a.m. No.6758110   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Explosions rock Syrian military zone in suburbs of Damascus


A large explosion has hit a military zone in the Syrian capital of Damascus, Syrian state TV reported. Following the initial report, pictures surfaced on social media claiming to show the aftermath of the blast.


The explosion was reported around 6pm local time on Saturday. Shortly afterwards, residents reported hearing a second blast in the same area.


The explosion reportedly took place in Dummar, to the west of Damascus. State TV said that the area hit was a military zone, and that the blast was caused by wildfires burning in dry grass nearby. The fires ignited ammunition stored at an army ammunition depot, the state TV netowrk reported, citing a military source.


Researchers on social media also attempted to pinpoint the location of the explosion.

Anonymous ID: 76fa0e June 15, 2019, 11:19 a.m. No.6758115   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sweden Increases Security at Malmö Police Stations After Explosions Across City


Police in Malmö have announced increased security measures around local police stations following a series of explosions in the Swedish city.


Filip Annas, press officer for Police Region South, announced the measures, saying that there would be an increase in the number of officers patrolling outside of police stations in the city, Swedish broadcaster SVT reports.


“The local police management made the assessment to strengthen the security at the police stations. Specifically, this means that more police officers will appear outside the city’s police stations,” Annas said, but would not divulge any details on how many police stations would see an increase in security and what areas of the city they were located.


“There is no set schedule, but this will apply until further notice. However, the public will not be affected by this, and they will only see more police officers in place,” Annas added.


The tightening of security comes just days after the city saw three explosions, two of which targetted residential areas in the notorious Rosengård no-go suburb and a nightclub closer to the centre of the city, all within 24 hours.


Malmö has seen a number of explosions since the start of the year including a large explosion last month targetting a restaurant, with police arresting two individuals.


Police stations have also been targetted by explosions, including an incident in Helsingborg in October 2017 when the entire facade of the police station was destroyed in the blast.


Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven spoke out about the incident at the time saying: “The bombing of a police station in Helsingborg is extremely serious. An attack on the police is, in the long run, an attack on our democracy.”

Anonymous ID: 76fa0e June 15, 2019, 11:22 a.m. No.6758128   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Deep State Is The Source Of All Our Economic Problems


Doug Casey says we’re well into what he calls the Greater Depression. America is headed for trouble… and it’s critical to know exactly what’s going on. That’s why today’s essay is so important. In it, Doug explains the source behind every negative thing that’s happening right now… and what’s really going on behind the scenes. It’s one of the most educational and entertaining pieces you’ll read all year


I’d like to address some aspects of the Greater Depression in this essay.


I’m here to tell you that the inevitable became reality in 2008. We’ve had an interlude over the last few years financed by trillions of new currency units.


However, the economic clock on the wall is reading the same time as it was in 2007, and the Black Horsemen of your worst financial nightmares are about to again crash through the doors and end the party. And this time, they won’t be riding children’s ponies, but armored Percherons.


To refresh your memory, let me recount what a depression is.


The best general definition is: A period of time when most people’s standard of living drops significantly. By that definition, the Greater Depression started in 2008, although historians may someday say it began in 1971, when real wages started falling.


It’s also a period of time when distortions and misallocations of capital are liquidated, and when the business cycle, which is caused exclusively by currency debasement, also known as inflation, climaxes. That results in high unemployment, business failures, uncompleted construction, bond defaults, stock market crashes, and the like.


Fortunately, for those who benefit from the status quo, and members of something called the Deep State, the trillions of new currency units delayed the liquidation. But they also ensured it will now happen on a much grander scale.


The Deep State is an extremely powerful network that controls nearly everything around you. You won’t read about it in the news because it controls the news. Politicians won’t talk about it publicly. That would be like a mobster discussing murder and robbery on the 6 o’clock news. You could say the Deep State is hidden, but it’s only hidden in plain sight.


The Deep State is the source of every negative thing that’s happening right now. To survive the coming rough times, it’s essential for you to know what it’s all about.

Anonymous ID: 76fa0e June 15, 2019, 11:24 a.m. No.6758146   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How Iran Was Swindled Out Of $3.2 Trillion


Underlying the one-year anniversary in mid-August of the signing of the ‘Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea’ is one of the greatest oil industry swindles in recent years. When representatives of the five Caspian littoral states meet on the 11th and 12th of August, Iran intends to seek some redress from Russia on Moscow’s manoeuvring last August. The Islamic Republic believes that it was robbed of its historical rights in the Caspian, conned out of a US$50 billion per year income, and left without Russia’s support against the re-imposition of U.S. sanctions.


Little of any apparent consequence was decided last August when the five Caspian littoral states – Russia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Azerbaijan – signed the ‘Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea’. The limited publicity that surrounded the signing stated only that the agreement stipulated that relations between the littoral states would be based on the broad principles of national sovereignty, territorial integrity, equality among members, and the non-use of threat of force.


It refrained from specifically going into details about share allocations in the Caspian Sea resource and talked only vaguely about giving the area ‘a special legal status’. However, a senior oil and gas industry source who works closely with Iran’s Petroleum Ministry told that there was a secret second part to the deal that has proven explosive for the perennially fractious relations between the Caspian states.


At stake is the massive Caspian Sea hydrocarbons resources prize that has been fought over since the dissolution of the USSR in 1991 resulted in three additional partners – Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Azerbaijan - to the original partnership of Russia and Iran. Prior to the fracturing of the USSR into its constituent independent states, Iran and the USSR had struck the original agreement in 1921 to split all ‘fishing rights’ in the Caspian area 50-50. This was amended in 1924 to include ‘any and all resources recovered’, meaning in practical terms that all hydrocarbons resources would be shared equally between Russia and Iran. “Iran should have said back then that Russia should have shared its Caspian stake with the three former USSR states, but it [Iran] was content to wait for the official legal dispute to be settled,” underlined the Iran source.

Anonymous ID: 76fa0e June 15, 2019, 11:26 a.m. No.6758158   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8179

‘We need points!’ US must invade Venezuela to scare Iran & N. Korea, Graham claims


Sen. Lindsey Graham has suggested President Trump “put military force on the table” by invading Venezuela (and possibly Cuba) in order to scare North Korea and Iran into doing what they're told. What could possibly go wrong?


“Give Cuba an ultimatum – without Cuba, Maduro doesn’t last one day – tell Cuba to get out of Venezuela. Do what Reagan did in Grenada – put military force on the table!” Graham told a Fox News host, going from zero to invasion in ten seconds flat in response to a question about how Trump should handle his foreign conflicts.


“We need points on the board,” the South Carolina senator insisted. “Start with your own backyard… Fix Venezuela and everybody else will know you’re serious.” North Korea and Iran, he implied, would fall right into line after Venezuela was put in its place.


While Graham paid lip service to the president’s non-military accomplishments, reluctantly congratulating him on slowing down North Korea’s nuclear ambitions, his advice didn’t include much by way of diplomacy: “When it comes to Rocketman, letters don’t matter anymore to me, it’s performance.” Graham notably called for Trump to “end the nuclear threat” mere hours after the president’s Hanoi summit with the North Korean leader collapsed.


Graham's Monroe-doctrine-on-steroids patter isn’t exactly unfamiliar to those who’ve been following his bellicose ravings – the Republican senator dropped a Grenada reference just last month as Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro prepared to meet his US-backed would-be replacement Juan Guaido in Oslo for negotiations, perhaps seeing his chance for a war in South America slipping away.

Anonymous ID: 76fa0e June 15, 2019, 11:31 a.m. No.6758198   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8259

Notre Dame officials say tycoons who promised millions after the fire haven't paid a cent


The billionaire French tycoons who pledged hundreds of millions in financial aid to rebuild Notre Dame cathedral in Paris have not yet paid a penny toward the restoration of the national monument, according to church and business officials.

Instead, it's mainly American and French individuals, via Notre Dame charitable foundations, that are behind the first donations paying the bills and salaries for up to 150 workers employed by Notre Dame since an April 15 fire devastated its roof and caused its masterpiece spire to collapse.

This month they are handing over the first private payment for the cathedral's reconstruction of $5.8 million.

"The big donors haven't paid. Not a cent," said Andre Finot, senior press official at Notre Dame.


"They want to know what exactly their money is being spent on and if they agree to it before they hand it over, and not just to pay employees' salaries."


More than $1 billion was promised by some of France's richest and most powerful families and companies, several of whom sought to outbid each other, in the hours and days after the inferno.

It prompted criticism that the donations were as much about the vanity of the donors wishing to be immortalised in the edifice's fabled stones than the preservation of France's heritage.

Francois Pinault of Artemis, the parent company of Kering that owns Gucci and Saint Laurent, promised $163 million, while Patrick Pouyanne, CEO of French energy company Total, said his firm would match that figure.

Bernard Arnault, CEO of luxury giant LVMH that owns Louis Vuitton and Dior, pledged $327 million, as did the Bettencourt Schueller Foundation of the L'Oréal fortune.

None of that money has been seen, according to Mr Finot, as the donors wait to see how the reconstruction plans progress and fight it out over contracts.

Wearing hard hats to mass

The first stone of Notre Dame de Paris was laid in 1163, with the iconic building becoming the most famous of the Gothic cathedrals of the Middle Ages and one of the most beloved structures in the world.

A group of about 30 people will gather at the cathedral on Saturday evening (local time) to celebrate the first mass since the fire.

The service will be led by Paris Archbishop Monsignor Michel Aupetit in a small chapel near the garden, which used to hold the crown of thorns relic.

Participants will have to wear safety helmets, as the site is under construction to consolidate the structure.

The service will mark the anniversary of the consecration of the cathedral's altar, French media reported, which is celebrated each year around June 16.

It will be a "simple service", Notre Dame's chief priest, Monsignor Patrick Chauvet, told French broadcaster BFM TV.

Attendees will include several Notre Dame priests along with selected journalists and camera operators, with the mass to be broadcast on French television.

The diocese is waiting on approval from civil authorities to reopen space on front of the cathedral to the public, according to France 24.