Anonymous ID: b6bce3 June 15, 2019, 10:05 a.m. No.6757711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7732 >>7734 >>7740 >>7747 >>7780 >>7815 >>7831 >>7844 >>7905 >>7916 >>8272 >>8309



I can imagine this at trial. I imagine it would go something like this…..


DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Agent Smith, you testified that the Russians hacked the DNC computers, is that correct?

FBI AGENT JOHN SMITH: That is correct.

DEF ATT: Upon what information did you base your testimony?

AGENT: Information found in reports analyzing the breach of the computers.

DEF ATT: So, the FBI prepared these reports?

AGENT: (cough)…. (shift in seat) No, a cyber security contractor with the FBI.

DEF ATT: Pardon me, why would a contractor be preparing these reports? Do these contractors run the FBI laboratories where the server was examined?


DEF ATT: No? No what? These contractors don’t run the FBI Laboratries?

AGENT: No. The laboratories are staffed by FBI personnel.

DEF ATT: Well I don’t understand. Why would contractors be writing reports about computers that are forensically examined in FBI laboratories?

AGENT: Well, the servers were not examined in the FBI laboratory.


DEF ATT: Oh, so the FBI examined the servers on site to determine who had hacked them and what was taken?

AGENT: Uh….. no.

DEF ATT: They didn’t examine them on site?


DEF ATT: Well, where did they examine them?

AGENT: Well, uh….. the FBI did not examine them?

DEF ATT: What?

AGENT: The FBI did not directly examine the servers?

DEF ATT: Agent Smith, the FBI has presented to the Grand Jury and to this court and SWORN AS FACT that the Russians hacked the DNC computers. You are basing your SWORN testimony on a report given to you by a contractor, while the FBI has NEVER actually examined the computer hardware?

AGENT: That is correct.

DEF ATT: Agent Smith, who prepared the analysis reports that the FBI relied on to give this sworn testimony?

AGENT: Crowdstrike, Inc.

DEF ATT: So, which Crowdstrike employee gave you the report?

AGENT: We didn’t receive the report directly from Crowdstrike?

DEF ATT: What?

AGENT: We did not receive the report directly from Crowdstrike?

DEF ATT: Well, where did you find this report?

AGENT: It was given to us by the people who hired Crowdstrike to examine and secure their computer network and hardware.

DEF ATT: Oh, so the report was given to you by the technical employees for the company that hired Crowdstrike to examine their servers?


DEF ATT: Well, who gave you the report?

AGENT: Legal counsel for the company that hired Crowdstrike?

DEF ATT: Why would legal counsel be the ones giving you the report?

AGENT: I don’t know.

DEF ATT: Well, what company hired Crowdstrike?

AGENT: The Democratic National Committee.

DEF ATT: Wait a minute. Let me get this straight. You are giving SWORN testimony to this court that Russia hacked the servers of the Democratic National Committee. And you are basing that testimony on a report given to you by the LAWYERS for the Democratic National Committee. And you, the FBI, never actually saw or examined the computer servers?

AGENT: That is correct.

DEF ATT: Well, can you provide a copy of the technical report produced by Crowdstrike for the Democratic National Committee?

AGENT: No, I cannot.

DEF ATT: Well, can you go back to your office and get a copy of the report?


DEF ATT: Why? Are you locked out of your office?


DEF ATT: I don’t understand. Why can you not provide a copy of this report?

AGENT: Because I do not have a copy of the report.

DEF ATT: Did you lose it?


DEF ATT: Why do you not have a copy of the report?

AGENT: Because we were never given a final copy of the report?

DEF ATT: Agent Smith, if you didn’t get a copy of the report, upon what information are you basing your testimony?

AGENT: On a draft copy of the report.

DEF ATT: A draft copy?


DEF ATT: Was a final report ever delivered to the FBI?


DEF ATT: Agent Smith, did you get to read the entire report?


DEF ATT: Why not?

AGENT: Because large portions were redacted.

DEF ATT: Agent Smith, let me get this straight. The FBI is claiming that the Russians hacked the DNC servers. But the FBI never actually saw the computer hardware, nor examined it? Is that correct?

AGENT: That is correct.

DEF ATT: And the FBI never actually examined the log files or computer email or any aspect of the data from the servers? Is that correct?

AGENT: That is correct.

DEF ATT: And you are basing your testimony on the word of Counsel for the Democratic National Committee, the people who provided you with a REDACTED copy of a DRAFT report, not on the actual technical personnel who supposedly examined the servers?

AGENT: That is correct.

DEF ATT: Your honor, I have a few motions I would like to make at this time.

PRESIDING JUDGE: I’m sure you do, Counselor. (as he turns toward the prosecutors) And I feel like I am in a mood to grant them.

Anonymous ID: b6bce3 June 15, 2019, 10:07 a.m. No.6757720   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7832

Mueller, Volume I, page 41: “(Russian) officers appear to have stolen thousands of emails and attachments…”


“Appear” is not definitive.

Anonymous ID: b6bce3 June 15, 2019, 10:20 a.m. No.6757779   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7804 >>7817

I am simply flabbergast.


Awed, inspired and absolutely amazed at Trump’s determination and will.


His total commitment from day one to hang in there despite all odds. From the swamp seeping into his transition, then his early administration sabotaging him, what he knew and how he got the info.


Imagine each and everyday waking to a barrage of branding and nastiness beyond logic. Never knowing who he was speaking to in private had his back or was another slimy forest creature ready to pounce. UGH.. He says he loves it. Looks forward to the challenge.


That he loves this country and at this point in his life will do whatever it takes to overcome the out and out pull-down from the left. They say he is insane and imbalanced. If he is it is in a good way.


You would have to be a little insane and imbalanced to put up with all this for this long. He deserves every award that this nation could possibly award one. Medal of Valor, Purple Heart, Nobel Peace Prize and other.

I send as much positive energy to this man that I can muster every night before retiring. He folds his arms over his heart chakra as he sits in meetings and is observed on live TV…with good reason.


No man should have to endure such unwarranted hatred. The negative energy pushed his way each day must be painful yet he goes forward. Send Donald J Trump positive energy to negate the negative as often and as much as you can think of him.


He so needs our support. I can tell you for certain that positive energy, your directed positive thoughts sent his way is worth as much to him as your donation to any organization claiming support for him.


This is a direct contribution to him as a soul and leader of souls trying to salvage a much damaged nation. I am not a religious person in the conventional sense but I know what positive and negative is.


And you are looking at it in the raw. These people on the left are so misdirected in their seeming march to “save America”. Most know not what they do since they are simply ‘enablers’ of the disease of the powerful who in the guise of sympathy for the supposed downtrodden, divide and eviserate the opposition.

Anonymous ID: b6bce3 June 15, 2019, 10:34 a.m. No.6757850   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7861 >>7874 >>7889 >>7916 >>7956 >>8016 >>8272 >>8309

There is so much for Barr/Durham to dig into & at the same time, Barr, Durham et al are dong so much behind the scenes that we simply do not know about.


If there is any consolation here as the Barr/Durham investigation to us seemingly drags on, it is the fact that many of the evil, guilty parties are running around squealing like stuck pigs. Brennan, Crapper, Blowmey, McCabe, Faker. All of them KNOW that the curtain WILL be coming down on them & SOON.


And they KNOW their guilt, they know that the crimes that they committed are SERIOUS, & they know that they are all going DOWN.


Think about how that knowledge is playing around in all of their heads CONSTANTLY, how it MUST be affecting their sleep, their, their actions.


And while it is known that there is a race between PT/Barr/Durham & Pelosi & the Dems impeachment efforts, I choose to believe that the Trump team not only KNOWS the FULL STORY about the spying & corruption, I firmly believe that the Trump team will release select information & indeed INDICTMENTS when they deem the time to be right.


And I also believe that the guilty & the Dems all KNOW this & they are all DEEPLY WORRIED. When that 1st indictment comes down it will carry with it the force of an H-Bomb & the affects will be reverberate world-wide!!


This is indeed a beautiful thing for us to all witness as it unfolds in real time albeit excruciatingly slowly!


And to the FBI: until it is fully cleaned up, I recommend that its name be changed to FUBI:


Foxtrot-Up Bureau of Instigation!

Anonymous ID: b6bce3 June 15, 2019, 10:38 a.m. No.6757872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7884



Crowdstrike went public just a few days ago (via Wall Street Journal)


“Shares in cybersecurity company CrowdStrike Holdings Inc. soared in their first day of trading Wednesday, closing up 71% from the IPO price and highlighting continued investor interest in fast-growing business-software firms. The results would value the company at roughly $11.6 billion if underwriters exercise all their options to purchase shares.”


It would be interesting to see who bought the offering, which could be the payoff to Crowdstrike for its crackerjack job for Hillary/DNC.


Probably not a good time to own CrowdStrike stock, since its brand is going to take a hit. Being a cybersecurity firm that specializes in racketeering and corrupt practices . . . well, I’m sure the FBI will investigate. /s



Anonymous ID: b6bce3 June 15, 2019, 10:44 a.m. No.6757910   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'Flood is coming'



New name in the mix:


Warren Flood


Biden’s former IT guy in the Obama Whitehouse.


Adam Carter, who is one of the dedicated souls working on the technical aspects of the false reporting that is was the Russian’s, has noted that the docs that were created to look like they came from Russia actually originated on Warren Flood’s computer.

Anonymous ID: b6bce3 June 15, 2019, 10:50 a.m. No.6757936   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7969



“This means the FBI and DOJ, and all of the downstream claims by the intelligence apparatus; including the December 2016 Joint Analysis Report and January 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment, all the way to the Weissmann/Mueller report and the continued claims therein; were based on the official intelligence agencies of the U.S. government and the U.S. Department of Justice taking the word of a hired contractor for the Democrat party….. despite their inability to examine the server and/or actually see an unredacted technical forensic report from the investigating contractor.”


This technique of framing a case is called BOOTSTRAPPING.


You take an allegation and run it through successive steps wherein the allegation is morphed into a fact.


Each time the allegation is relied upon to produce another false conclusion, it looks like an indisputable fact.


  • First you have Crowdstrike claiming the Russians hacked the DNC.

  • Congressional Testimony on television, plus media reporting, build from that allegation.

  • The JAR and the ICA build it up some more.

  • Then comes the Special Counsel “investigation” producing indictment of the alleged Russian perpetrators that everyone starts using as evidence when indictments are only the allegations.


This is the essence of “Bootstrapping.”


Each use of the allegation to “prove” something makes the allegation become a kind of AXIOM that is accepted a true without proof, and is now buried under all the government documents, reams of newsprint, hours of televised claims, and digital noise. When pressed, just call any skeptic a “Russian Bot” or “Putin Shill.”