Anonymous ID: dc46f3 June 15, 2019, 9:37 a.m. No.6757580   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Doug Casey: The Deep State Is The Source Of All Our Economic Problems


Doug Casey says we’re well into what he calls the Greater Depression. America is headed for trouble… and it’s critical to know exactly what’s going on. That’s why today’s essay is so important. In it, Doug explains the source behind every negative thing that’s happening right now… and what’s really going on behind the scenes. It’s one of the most educational and entertaining pieces you’ll read all year.


I’m here to tell you that the inevitable became reality in 2008. We’ve had an interlude over the last few years financed by trillions of new currency units.


However, the economic clock on the wall is reading the same time as it was in 2007, and the Black Horsemen of your worst financial nightmares are about to again crash through the doors and end the party. And this time, they won’t be riding children’s ponies, but armored Percherons.


To refresh your memory, let me recount what a depression is.


The best general definition is: A period of time when most people’s standard of living drops significantly. By that definition, the Greater Depression started in 2008, although historians may someday say it began in 1971, when real wages started falling.



Anonymous ID: dc46f3 June 15, 2019, 9:46 a.m. No.6757619   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7916 >>7918 >>8272 >>8309

Army Expects Delivery Of Directed Energy, Hypersonic Weapons In Early 2020s


The Army expects to procure its Multi-Mission High Energy Laser (MMHEL) by 2022 and a hypersonic weapon prototype by 2023, said Lt. Gen L. Neil Thurgood, director of hypersonics, directed energy, space, and rapid acquisition, reported Army News Service.


The MMHEL is a 50-kilowatt laser through a precision pointing, high-velocity target tracking beam control system. The new design will be mounted onto an IAV (Interim Armored Vehicle) Stryker, an eight-wheeled armored fighting vehicle, to increase the Army's short-range air defense capabilities, according to officials with the Army Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office.


Thurgood said the MMHEL would be ready for the modern battlefield by 2022, will be used to protect combat teams from drones, helicopters, rockets, artillery, and mortars.


The general added that the Army joined forces with other services to advance the development of directed energy weapons with one goal in mind: increase kilowatts of the weapon.


Furthermore, the Army is expected to procure a four-vehicle hypersonic battery in 2023.


Four modified Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck (HEMTT), an eight-wheel-drive tactical truck, equipped with a missile launcher, will carry two hypersonic launch tubes, Thurgood said.



Anonymous ID: dc46f3 June 15, 2019, 11:47 a.m. No.6758290   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8323

==John Bolton: 'When Has The Government Ever Lied About Attacks On Ships In A Gulf Somewhere Just To Provoke War?'

June 14th, 2019==


U.S.—After top U.S. officials claimed Iran attacked ships in the Gulf of Oman this week, John Bolton held a press conference where he asked when the government has ever lied about something like this just to start a war.



"When has the government ever lied about ships being attacked, say in a gulf somewhere, for the purpose of getting involved in another foreign conflict?" he asked. "Can you point to a single time a lie about a minor attack resulted in a major unnecessary war? No, I didn't think so," he said.


"These attacks in the Gulf of Tonk—er, I mean, the Gulf of Oman, excuse me—were definitely carried out by Iran, and we need to invade immediately before people start doubting the narrative."


The nation believed Bolton's account, reporting it had no reason to doubt, as the government would never lie about attacks on ships in a gulf on the other side of the world.


"When has the US government, supported by the media, ever lied about an unprovoked attack on ships in a foreign gulf somewhere just to provoke war?" asked one journalist after writing a piece that didn't question the official U.S. narrative at all. "This has literally never happened before in the history of our nation, so why would they start lying about this kind of stuff now?"