Anonymous ID: 74a559 June 15, 2019, 11:54 a.m. No.6758344   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8470 >>8959

Alex Jones offers $1M reward as FBI investigates child pornography planted on his Infowars server


The FBI has informed Alex Jones someone planted child pornography on the servers for his Infowars website and on Friday the controversial radio host offered a $1 million reward for any information leading to an arrest.


Federal authorities have been conducting a child pornography investigation for several weeks after they reviewed emailed threats made against Jones that contained links to child pornography websites, according to his attorney Norm Pattis.


Pattis appeared on Jones’ show late Friday afternoon to discuss the incident. But before he did Jones went on a five-minute, profanity-laced rant announcing the reward for information leading to the arrest and prosecution of whoever infiltrated the his company’s servers.


“Someone is trying to set me up with child pornography and we’re going to find you,” Jones said.


Pattis said he was notified a few weeks ago by the company that is reviewing all of the emails Infowars receives that there were 12 suspicious ones that appeared to be threats against Jones but actually contained child pornography.


“These were emails that if you, me or one of your workers had opened we would have been subjected to five years in federal prison,” Pattis said.


Jones is being sued by several victims of the Sandy Hook school massacre. They are alleging he and his company have profited from spreading the story that the shooting was a hoax. He hired Pattis to represent him in Connecticut after Superior Court Judge Barbara Bellis grew frustrated Jones and Infowars weren’t complying with simple discovery requests and threatened to sanction Jones.

Anonymous ID: 74a559 June 15, 2019, 11:56 a.m. No.6758365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8646 >>8673 >>8744 >>8795 >>8852 >>9069

Dems eye repeal of Justice rule barring presidential indictments


House Democrats are weighing legislation to scrap the executive guideline that bars the Justice Department from indicting a sitting president.


The informal rule is decades old but has come under heavy new scrutiny since Robert Mueller cited it explicitly as the reason he declined to recommend — or even consider — bringing obstruction charges against President Trump during the course of his 22-month investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections.


In response to the special counsel’s report, Democrats are piecing together a package of legislation focused largely on shielding elections from foreign influence, including proposals to bar candidates from accepting foreign help of any kind, while making it mandatory that campaigns alert the FBI when such offers are extended.


But some lawmakers want to press further, eying legislation to nullify the Department of Justice's (DOJ) long-standing determination that presidents cannot be charged with federal crimes while they remain in office.


“It's definitely on the menu,” said Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.), a member of the House Oversight and Reform Committee. “I'm in favor of expanding enforcement tools and accountability tools, and that's definitely one of them.”


Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (N.Y.), chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, is also signaling his support. While he has not been involved in talks about specific proposals, Jeffries said, “It strikes me as a reasonable thing to consider.”


“It's fair to say that one of the options we should consider is revisiting that Department of Justice rule so you don't have a rogue and lawless president immunized from criminal prosecution,” he said.


It's unclear how or when the proposal might surface. Connolly said it could appear as part of a larger spending package or as an authorization bill out of the House Judiciary Committee. “But I guarantee you it will be a topic of discussion,” he said.


At issue is a Justice Department policy stretching back 46 years, when former President Nixon was coming under increasing fire surrounding a Watergate scandal that would eventually lead to his impeachment and resignation. In that 1973 memorandum, the DOJ’s Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) resolved that a sitting president cannot be subject to prosecution for federal crimes.

Anonymous ID: 74a559 June 15, 2019, 11:58 a.m. No.6758383   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8646 >>8673 >>8744 >>8795 >>8852 >>9069

Activists Call for Hong Kong Leader Carrie Lam to Resign After She Suspends Bill


Opponents of the controversial extradition bill that sparked mass protests in Hong Kong have called for the city’s Chief Executive Carrie Lam to scrap the bill entirely and resign, after she announced the proposed legislation would be suspended indefinitely on June 15.


Lam, in a news conference, said the bill would be halted with no deadline to bring it back—effectively suspending the process indefinitely.


“After repeated internal deliberations over the last two days, I now announce that the government has decided to suspend the legislative amendment exercise, restart our communication with all sectors of society, do more explanation work and listen to different views of society,” Lam told a news conference.


The announcement came after a nearly one-week long standoff between the people of Hong Kong and the government, with nearly 1.03 million taking to the streets on June 9 to oppose the bill that would allow people to be extradited to mainland China for trial.


Three days later, tens of thousands of protesters swarmed the area outside the city’s legislature where the bill was due to be debated before the scene descended into chaos as some protesters attempted to break the police line. Local police used pepper spray, tear gas, rubber bullets, and bean bags in an attempt to remove protestors from the streets. At least 81 people were injured.


Critics, however, were not satisfied with Lam’s announcement, and have called for her to completely withdraw the bill, step down, and apologize for the excessive amount of force used by police during the clashes on June 12.


“Democrats in Hong Kong simply cannot accept this suspension decision,” said lawmaker Claudia Mo and member of the pro-democratic camp, which has opposed bill. “Because the suspension is temporary. The pain is still there.”


“Carrie Lam has lost all credibility among Hong Kong people. She must step down,” Mo added.

Anonymous ID: 74a559 June 15, 2019, noon No.6758399   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8523 >>8588 >>8646 >>8673 >>8744 >>8795 >>8839 >>8852 >>9069

DHS Database To Track ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ And Independent Journalists


The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will track influential independent journalists, bloggers and ‘conspiracy theorists’ through a centralized, searchable database.


According to a publicly posted job listing, the DHS “Media Monitoring” initiative is seeking a contractor who can provide DHS with the ability to track over 290,000 journalists who influence online, print, broadcast, cable, radio, trade and industry publications, and social media platforms. reports: “Services shall provide media comparison tools, design and rebranding tools, communication tools, and the ability to identify top media influencers,” according to the job call, in order to help DHS agencies fulfill “a critical need to incorporate these functions into their programs in order to better reach federal, state, local, tribal, and private partners.”


The department’s “Statement of Work for Media Monitoring Services” requires the following:


Online & Social Media Monitoring


Ability to track global online sources for coverage relevant to Washington and the six media hubs:

• Ability to track 290,000 global news sources

• Ability to track online, print, broadcast, cable, radio, trade and industry publications, local sources, national/international outlets, traditional news sources, and social media

• Ability to track media coverage in 100 languages, including Arabic, Chinese and Russian. Translation function to instantly translate these articles to English.

• Ability to create up to 20 searches with each unlimited keywords

• Unlimited coverage per search (no cap on coverage)

• Ability to change the searches at keywords at any given time

• Ability to create unlimited data tracking, statistical breakdown, and graphical analyses on any coverage on an ad-hoc basis

Database of journalists, editors, correspondents, social media influencers, bloggers, etc.


The chosen contractor must be able to develop a “password protected, media influencer database” which can perform searches in various languages, and present contact details and any other information that could be relevat, including publications that this influencer writes for, and an overview of the previous cvoverage published by the media influencer.”


Media Intelligence and Benchmarking Dashboard Platform

Anonymous ID: 74a559 June 15, 2019, 12:01 p.m. No.6758402   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Beyond Blaming Iran, Trump and Aides Divided on Next Step


Trump continues to say he wants diplomacy, not war


Given nothing more than a grainy video that doesn’t show much of anything, and a couple of tankers burning at sea, the Trump Administration has proven themselves united in a way rarely seen, declaring Iran wholly and directly to blame.


That’s where the unity appears to end, however. Officials are always keen to blame Iran for anything that might stick, and as for what to do after that, they all seem deeply divided, and their talking points vary wildly.


President Trump was quick to blame Iran, citing the dubious Centcom video as proof, and declaring that they are “in deep, deep trouble.” Beyond that, however, he reiterated that he wants to negotiate with Iran, and that he’s “in no rush” to actually have the talks. He also continues to say he’s not interested in a war.


That talk of not wanting a war stands in sharp contrast to John Bolton and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who have been angling for a conflict with Iran for months now, and for whom this is just another chance to talk up a military response to Iranian misdeeds.


Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan seems to have landed somewhere in the middle, continuing to echo Trump on not wanting war, but in such a way as to suggest that he’s just trying to present this as a reluctant war the US is being forced into.

Anonymous ID: 74a559 June 15, 2019, 12:02 p.m. No.6758409   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8646 >>8665 >>8673 >>8744 >>8795 >>8852 >>9003 >>9069

F-35 jets: Chinese-owned company making parts for top-secret UK-US fighters


A Chinese-owned company is making circuit boards for the top-secret next generation F-35 warplanes flown by Britain and the United States, Sky News can reveal.


Exception PCB, a printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturer in Gloucestershire, south west England, produces circuit boards that “control many of the F-35’s core capabilities”, according to publicity material produced by the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD).


This includes “its engines, lighting, fuel and navigation systems”, it said.


When asked about the firm’s Chinese ownership, the MoD said Exception PCB is an established manufacturer of circuit boards to the defence industry and presents “no risk” to the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter supply chain.


A director from the company said there are “clear firewalls in place” between Exception PCB and its Chinese parent company Shenzhen Fastprint.


But defence experts, including former defence ministers, expressed concern that a Chinese-owned company is producing any parts for such a classified, British and American fifth generation programme, because of long-standing fears about Chinese espionage and rivalry.


They said it is a particularly odd situation given President Donald Trump’s trade war with China and his opposition to any involvement by another Chinese company, Huawei, in fifth generation civilian mobile phone networks.

Anonymous ID: 74a559 June 15, 2019, 12:03 p.m. No.6758415   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Judge goes easy on illegal alien MS-13 gang member convicted of a 'horrific frenzy of violence'


An illegal alien MS-13 gang member was given a lenient sentence by a judge despite pleading from the victims' families after he was convicted of what prosecutors called a "horrific frenzy of violence."


18-year-old Josue Portillo pleaded guilty to murdering four young men in 2017, and faced life in prison, but the judge instead opted to sentence him to 55 years in prison.

Central Islip Judge Joseph Bianco cited the murderer's age and the plea deal in his decision.


Portillo admitted to the stabbing murder of four suspected rival gang members in a Central Islip municipal park. Prosecutors called it a "horrific frenzy of violence" which included bludgeoning of the victims with tree limbs.


Lourdes Banega, the mother of one of the victims, said she was in therapy to deal with the horrific killing of her son.


"Two years ago, we were a happy family," Banega said. "And he destroyed everything. Everything.


"My dreams were gone the night that Portillo killed my son," she added as she sobbed.


Portillo's lawyer argued in court that his client was handed a bad deal in life, starting when he was abandoned by his parents in El Salvador to be raised by his 68-year-old grandmother.


Portillo said through an interpreter that he was "consumed by soccer, girls and marijuana," as an MS-13 gang member.


His lawyer says he plans to appeal the sentence.


President Donald Trump has made law enforcement action against the members of the vicious MS-13 street gang a focus of his administration.


Here's a local news report about the plea deal:

Anonymous ID: 74a559 June 15, 2019, 12:08 p.m. No.6758450   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israeli Mossad Is Training SDF Intelligence Personnel – Report


Israel’s national intelligence agency, known as Mossad, is training security personnel of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), al-Khabour, a news outlet with strong connections in northeastern Syria, revealed on June 14.


According to the outlet, 20 personnel of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), the core of the SDF, are on their way to Israel to attend a training course by the Mossad. The chosen personnel had passed several tests, which were held in the SDF-held area.


“20 personnel were transferred to the city of Arbil in northern Iraq, in preparation for their transfer to occupied Palestine,” a local source told al-Khabour.


Regarding the aim of this alleged cooperation program, the source claimed that Israel wants to establish a friendly intelligence service in the SDF-held areas. The service would recruit spies for the Mossad and provide information of interest for Israel.


Al-Khabour identified three of the SDF personnel who will receive training in Israel as Ali Mohamed Hassan, Riber Abdul Razzaq Ahmed and Berkhdan Aziz Murad. These names have not been verified by an independent source, so far.


While this information remains unconfirmed, the SDF indeed worked to build some sort of relations with Israel in the last few months. Earlier this year, the Kurdish-dominated group allowed the Israel media to operate in its areas for the first time ever.


Israeli State Intelligence Service


I have long said the SDF is a cabal army operating in Syria, Syria updates have shown proof of this time and time again.

Anonymous ID: 74a559 June 15, 2019, 12:12 p.m. No.6758474   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Blackwater Founder Seeks to Invest in Israeli Start-Ups


US-Israeli relations have been booming since President Donald Trump took office in 2016. The US president has taken several foreign policy steps that have been of great importance to the Jewish state in regards to disputed territories under Israeli control.


Erik Prince, founder of the notorious Blackwater private military company and chairman of the Frontier Services Group security firm, has revealed his plans to seek opportunities to invest in Israeli start-ups during his visit in July 2019 in an interview with The Jerusalem Post. During his stay in the country, Prince will meet representatives of companies working in the defence and intelligence spheres, such as BlueBird Aero Systems and Axon Vision, the media outlet reported.


"I love the spirit of the Israeli people who have stepped out and followed their dream or a nagging idea to build something new. They have combined knowledge, tenacity and grit to build new entities and options", he said.


Prince has a particular interest in former members of the IDF’s elite intelligence unit 8200, which became a cradle for future founders of Israeli hi-tech start-ups. The US businessman pointed out that people who have served in such units are usually those who are able to sort out problems without a "lot of hand-holding along the way".


The Blackwater founder is planning to not just invest in these firms, but also to help them grow, sharing his experience, aiding them in conquering new markets, and warning them against some typical mistakes.


Prince's Blackwater private military company wound up in hot water after several of its employees were found guilty of killing 14 unarmed Iraqi civilians for no reason in 2007. The Blackwater contractors claimed that they were ambushed while they were escorting a US Embassy convoy through Nisour Square in Baghdad.


However, the court found one of the employees guilty of murder and three others of manslaughter. The contractors received sentences varying from 30 years in prison to life.


Following the scandal, which drew major criticism from the public, Blackwater was rebranded as Academi, with Prince leaving the company. He later founded the Hong Kong-based Frontier Services Group (FSG), which has reportedly recently faced scrutiny from the US Department of Defence over its contracts in China.