Anonymous ID: 959eac June 15, 2019, 1:19 p.m. No.6758884   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8909 >>8942 >>8951 >>9022 >>9040

It amazes me how many who truly believe in the validity of the Q drops still don't read and research all of them. The drops aren't that cryptic it just takes time to grasp their way of posting and doing things. There are levels to the posts that we have still yet to unlock but if the drops are read as a whole you will have the whole picture and will be able to place it in sequential order yourself. You will understand once you've read them all.

That said some drops aren't for the public but for operators sent into the wind early on so that they can't be tracked by the cult. Their only communication w their handlers "Q team" was on this board. These drops are referred to as stringers by us on the board. They are clearly written for only certain people to understand.

If Q were to drop to us right now I feel that there would be too much going on for them to encompass or convey a true impression of the level of things. All I expect at the moment are drops meant to scare and force the enemy into mistakes. This is the intention behind many of the posts recently.


Recently I'm getting the impression that there are remaining cult members attempting to force us to speed up our timelines. I suspect this is the reason for the delay of rollout of Declas. Declas caused the cult to make a move that the Q drops have yet to refer to . It may very well be all of the recent suspicious murders and suicides including 3 NYPD in the past 9 days.


When we are forced to counter it shouldn't be suspicious for them to be quiet.

Anonymous ID: 959eac June 15, 2019, 1:51 p.m. No.6759056   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Honestly I don't expect the Q op to go on for much longer. Once recognized as an official operation exposing a satanic cults empire I imagine millions of people will inundate the board with their questions and shills will be a hundred fold. Bakers will have their work cut out for them. Things will never be the same. I just think we need to enjoy the time we have to be a small part of such a unique time in history and keep digging and exposing things on Twtr. Pushing their crimes into the light helps our plan. They've told us that many times. So I'd just keep spreading what we have been told but that is why educating yourself regarding all of the drops is so important.