Anonymous ID: e615fa June 15, 2019, 1:13 p.m. No.6758863   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8872 >>8877 >>8966 >>9069

WaPo Hits New Low: Takes Disgusting Parting Shot at Sarah Sanders: Lying “Queen of Gaslighting”


On Thursday President Trump announced that Sarah Huckabee Sanders was leaving her role as White House Press Secretary.


The filthy liberal media treated Sarah Sanders with nothing but disrespect and vile attacks.

They hated her because she was effective and didn’t cower to their unrelenting abuse.


On Friday the Washington Post hit a new low with their disgusting parting shot on Sarah Sanders.


WaPo: After the White House announced on Thursday that press secretary Sarah Sanders would be stepping down at the end of the month, Sanders said she hoped to be remembered for her transparency and honesty. Post media columnist Margaret Sullivan’s first impulse upon hearing that was to laugh. “But lying to citizens while being paid by them really isn’t all that funny,” Sullivan writes. “She misled reporters or tried to, and through them, misled the American people.” Read more by clicking the link in our bio. (Photo by @jabinbotsford/The Washington Post)


This is the same ‘news’ organization that pushed the Trump-Russia collusion hoax for two years

Anonymous ID: e615fa June 15, 2019, 1:16 p.m. No.6758875   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9043

The Unholy Alliance Between DNA Sites and Facial Recognition


Technology that was once only seen in dystopian science fiction is rapidly infecting real life. Two means of collecting personal data – DNA databases and facial recognition software – are forming an unholy alliance, and the privacy implications could be devastating.


Privacy concerns surrounding DNA and facial recognition aren’t anything new. As the popularity of DNA genealogy websites like Ancestry DNA and 23andMe increase, so do questions over who has access to that data and how it will be used. The use of facial recognition and other biometric data technology is on the rise, and people are expressing concerns (and outrage) about that technology as well.


Genealogy sites have been making the news of late, mainly for concerns over how our personal data is used – and who has access to that information.


Recently, GEDmatch, which has more than 1 million genetic profiles in its database, decided to stop providing information to police without user permission. Last month, the site faced criticism when it allowed Utah police to use the database while investigating a violent assault. “Prior to the change, GEDmatch had allowed police to use its data only for rapes and homicides,” reports Bloomberg:


The site is now asking users whether they want to allow police to access their DNA information. Previously, law enforcement could search profiles in the database unless a customer explicitly opted out.


Law enforcement agencies have increasingly relied on GEDmatch after it was used to find a man suspected of killing at least 12 people and raping scores of women in California between 1976 and 1986. A distant relative of the alleged Golden State Killer had uploaded DNA into GEDmatch. The genetic profile partially matched crime-scene evidence, indicating the person was related to the anonymous suspect who had eluded capture for four decades. From there, investigators built out that person’s family tree, which led to the arrest last year of a 72-year-old former police officer.

Anonymous ID: e615fa June 15, 2019, 1:20 p.m. No.6758891   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9027



Anti-Trump activists hold rallies across US to call for impeachment


Activists took to the streets Saturday to hold rallies calling for the impeachment of President Trump, as they seek to pile further pressure on Democratic leaders in Congress to back a push to oust the president.


“Donald Trump's abuses of our communities and country demand action from Congress, which has the responsibility and authority to hold Trump accountable,” a website page for the "#ImpeachTrump: Act to Defend Democracy" national day of action by left-wing group MoveOn read. “The next crucial step is an inquiry into whether to draft articles of impeachment.”


The call included a note that the actions “are intended to be nonviolent and peaceful” and that organizers expect protesters to “act lawfully” and de-escalate any confrontation.


While protests were being eyed across the country, California seemed to be the main state for the demonstration. The Mercury News reported that more than 140 rallies were expected through Southern California.


The outlet reported that the day began with a protest in Seal Beach – aptly named “Impeach on the Beach” where demonstrators spelled out “Impeach!” with beach towels.


Some rallies appeared to have the support of Democratic lawmakers. The Oregonian reported that an #ImpeachTrump rally in downtown Portland would feature Rep. Earl Blumenauer.


“An impeachment inquiry is the best way for Congress to continue to investigate Trump's crimes, misconduct and abuse of power,” the event details read.


The Washington Examiner reported that some events will be protests, while others will be readings of pro-impeachment speeches from Democrats such as Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Minn.

Anonymous ID: e615fa June 15, 2019, 1:46 p.m. No.6759026   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9030 >>9048

Luke 6:45


45 A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.