Anonymous ID: 169d98 March 15, 2018, 1:23 p.m. No.676274   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6305 >>6337 >>6389

End Times!




It is only on the brink that people will finally find the will to change.


Everyone within them has a spark of light that leads us, this is your consciousness, your thoughts your ideas. This light connects to the

Earth's energy, others and the energies above, if we learn to harness these connections true peace will reign and we are only limited to our imaginations.


The time is fast approaching where all people of earth will have to choose for themselves if they are for a future of light and hope or if they are for a future of darkness and despair! The world is about to divide and those not paying

attention may get separated from the light and sent to a world of darkness and eternal despair.


Those who choose to follow the light must immediately start following the 10 commandments of the bible, judgement

will be put on everyone and characteristics which are dark in nature like jealousy, greed, hatred and willfully causing harm to others

will be some of the traits that will get one taken.


Many have been deceived and have committed sins without true free will, those who have been deceived can repent and immediately seek redemption but they must choose to be a child of light who will follow the simple 10 rules of the God of light.


Those who follow the light must seek to improve life for all not just themselves, dismantle things that cause harm, seek truth and help heel those who have been deceived.


The time to choose begins now, once the time to choose ends the two worlds will divide, for those who choose the light evil will cease to exist!




The path to the light is growing strong and for those of the dark the time is short.


Dark forces have been trying to move people away from the light; both their internal light and the collective and higher energy. If they convince people to feel helpless and scared it locks their full potential and gives

the dark forces the ability to use these deceived, in effect stealing their soul(light) and locking them into the darkness.


The reason the ruling elite have been able to maintain such control is they have accessed forbidden magik and through inbreeding

have been able to keep the collective energy of their bloodline focused for their own needs. After death the soul of your

ancestors is supposed to go to the higher realm where it acts as a guiding light and energy to assist family members

living in the physical. The forbidden magik requires blood sacrifice to be maintained and the inbreeding causes psychosis. This is all carefully used to work out ways to create darkness and despair in a person so they can be manipulated to extinguish the light of others. Their plan was to take the entire world to the darkness. This is why they must have eternal war, death and fear.


Their timeline is being closed. There will be no redemption for those who use free will for dark means.




Connecting to the external energies requires a shift in consciousness this is something many will need to take time

working on, the energy of our ancestors has been locked in limbo between worlds by this forbidden dark magik.

As is written in the bible the dead will rise first in the rapture taking their rightful place in the heavens where they work with their ancestors of the physical to guide them and give support as is supposed to be. But even the dead must choose if they are for the light or dark. Those in the physical can assist the dead and lead them to the light, through prayer and meditation.


Some have been given visions and shown the energies above to teach that all children of light can connect to these realms.

When ascending time speeds up rapidly enabling a temporary mental leap to the higher realm, while there mass amounts of

knowledge and understanding can be absorbed. This is the Heavens and true outer limits of our universe.


The end times is just a reference to the end of the darkness in this world before the new beginnings where everyone can experience success, happiness and true fulfillment.


Choose wisely. Godspeed!