What is required to confuse good and evil?
To have one confused for the other.
How does one confuse good and evil?
One "believes" one is the other.
If satan exists, what is the role of satan?
To make people "believe" SATAN is GOD (ie. EVIL is GOOD).
If "BELIEF" is required to confuse good and evil, is "BELIEF" a virtue?
Not over knowing who, what, where, why, when, how etc. NOT to "BELIEVE".
Define "belief"?
An assertion made and/or acted upon as if being 'true', even in the event of i. absence of any reasonable basis, and ii. enduring in the presence of evidence which undermines the "belief".
What happens when a person "believes" something that is not true?
They are bound to/by that "belief" and to the agency/institution which purports it, rendering the "believer" subject to that 'state'.
Are there any "belief"-based 'states' presently attempting to forcibly install itself as the global governing superpower?
Yes - Islam. It is "believed" that:
i. The Qur'an is the perfect word of a god.
(Actual: forged from Christian strophic hymns:
ii. Muhammad is the greatest example for all of humanity.
(Actual: Muhammad was a human trafficking pedophile dictator warlord)
iii. Islam is a religion of peace.
(Actual: Islam is a Christian heresy that replaces the mercy upon mankind "Jesus" with Muhammad who effectively serves the same role as Jesus to Christians. The Qur'anic Mecca did not even exist in the time of Muhammad - it was actually Petra to which the Qiblas of all mosques built up to 725 CE, approx. 100 years after the death of Muhammad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOWFPTzK7D4)
By virtue of the fact satan requires "belief" in order to make "believers" "believe" evil is good, and by virtue of the fact Islam is a "belief"-based 'state' which purports "beliefs" that are not true, Islam is pragmatically a satanic "belief" system which endures to make people "believe" evil is good, and good is evil.
Islam thus employs:
Fascism: use of state power to suppress criticisms of itself
Socialism: envy of success; "everything is free" (from "unbelievers")
Projection: accuse others of what one is guilty of (to distract)
Scapegoating: blaming others for the iniquities of Islam itself
Economic Jihad: blackmailing powerful secular business owners
Social Jihad: "Islamophobia" industry to shut down criticisms of Islam
Guilt Jihad: making people feel guilty for anything/everything
Rape Jihad: taking of "unbelieving" women as sex slaves
"Us" vs. "Them" mentality:
"believer" vs. unbeliever
Why is Q so silent about Islam?
i. To keep all attention off of Islam (therefor an Islamic project), or
ii. The matter of Islam is so pervasive that any (even subtle) indication that the "House" of Islam is the root of essentially all global human suffering is decision that has to be reached and subsequently made via a controlled public statement to be issued by POTUS regarding Islam.
Does FISA bring down the (real) House?
I do hope so.