Timestamp 12:58
1+2+5+8= 16
Todays date 6- 16
This is the second tweet anon noticed today that totals 16.
Yesterday there were tweet times that added to 15.
Timestamp 12:58
1+2+5+8= 16
Todays date 6- 16
This is the second tweet anon noticed today that totals 16.
Yesterday there were tweet times that added to 15.
Just wanna thank the shills for being such morans with their anime. Ya make it ez and Anon thanks you!
^^^THIS is shill fear porn.
This is what they do- tun thing upside down to purposely cnfuse.
I Pet Goat ends with Christians WAKING UP. If you're not 'awake' when watching, you'd have a different take. This bullshit post plays on that.
>or is it sign-language for love?
WHY would a music festival advertise to the deaf?
What kind of LOVE fest was this to be?
No, Anon NOT Love at all.
See what they did there?
As usual, satan tricks us all turns everything upside-down- like LOVE.
Turns the deaf handsign for love in to his own perverted sign.
That's what all the deaf and TX Longhorn fans will tell you. Make no mistake- it's satan himself.