one of the best reads ever linked here on globalism
thanks anons and baker for this notable
>>6762999, >>6763121, >>6763152 The Empire of "the city" of London
BTW for you muhjoo shitposters - here is the conclusion of the book EXACTLY as Q posted - "NAZI IDEOLOGY RELEVANT" and "see how history books have been changed" This short book spells it out in detail.
"The ultimate objective... was defined by one of its noted propagandists, the late William Alien White, as: "It is the destiny of the pure Aryan Anglo-Saxon race to dominate the world and kill off or else reduce to a servile status all other inferior races."
And this is consistent with all history too so take your fucking Protocols and your Zion child eating blood libel satan of synagogue crap and stick it all UP YOUR ASS where they belong
"The character of the British Dominion is different from any of the great empires that have preceded it. It not only consists of one-fourth of the land surface, but the suzerainty of the Five Seas. . . . That British rule should, in various degrees of sovereignty exercise its dominion over seventeen-twentieths of the world's surface is significant of just that degree of repression towards all other nations, their rights and expansion by land or by sea.
There can be no retention of present British sovereignty without the repression of the territorial and political expansion of other nations—a condition that must culminate in war, one war if the Empire is destroyed; a series if it is victorious.
AND MUHRUSSIA - NOT NEW: The grand plan of the "One World" Order decrees that it is necessary to limit the political and territorial expansion of Russia PROMPTLY AND PEREMPTORILY. Otherwise the victory over Germany will be of no avail, will in fact substitute a far more dangerous and potent challenge to British sovereignty.
AND MUH MSM AND FAKE AND GAY EDUCATION - NOT NEW: Our newspapers are absolutely dependent for their existence on the advertising of great business interests, and perhaps the principle function of college presidents is to collect the funds upon which the existence of their institution depends, to be on the right terms with the right people. News that definitely points to the existence of the secret world super-government of "The City" is treated with dense silence.