The fact? Where is your evidence to declare that a fact? That is not a fact, it is you "musing".
Wow. Amazing. Do you really believe the stupid shit you are spouting? Get new scripts, "triggered, panic, over the target, he was just joking, you fell for it" are worn out.
This guy who fell for an online troll and believes a lying con man is sending him special privelaged information to decode is telling someone else they got trolled. Hilarious.
Keep lying, see what it gets you.
Periodic reminder that both campaigns were under FBI investigation during the 2016 campaign.
The voting public was only made aware of the one that DIDN'T result in criminal charges against at least eight senior campaign officials.
The President accidentally undercuts the “Deep State” claim by admitting a leak about the FBI’s investigation before the election would have been fatal.
“Had that gone out before the election, I don’t think I would have had enough time to defend myself.”
She was investigated for years and was not found guilty, the servers, which aren't actually physical servers, are not lost or wiped, and she was not found guilty.
Yet you've spent the last 3 years still trying to find her guilty. Get over it.